Chapter 35

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Virat knew he has been a little unfair to Ditya. In past few days he was not able to give her proper time and attention. He has been busy with the wedding preparations. He was hiding everything from her. Just to give her surprise.

There are only 6 days left for the IPL to start he just wanted to make it upto her before leaving. He ran the horses of his mind and came up with a plan. In past few days he has realised he has improved his planning skills or its just his love for Ditya which always makes him do most perfect things for her.

On the other hand Ditya was as usually working her ass off in office. She received a flower bouquet out of no where around afternoon.

She knew the sender can be non other then his own fiance

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She knew the sender can be non other then his own fiance.

D: “one thing i am sure of, this man knows how to treat his woman right”

With that though she opened the note which was with flowers.


Your wish is my command. Your fairy tale wedding is already on its way starting today.

I will see you at 8.


1.your attire for tonight is waiting for you at your house.

2. Your ride will be ready by 7 at your place.

3. We are staying here for a while pack yourself some cloths.

Madly in love with you,


Ditya was beyond surprised he has taken her wish of fairy tale wedding to another level. She was dumbfound. After finishing up with her work she reached home to find a very beautiful dress waiting for her. She got ready. Packed her self some extra cloths as instructed. As soon as the clock hit 7 she found one of his cars and his head of security John waiting for him.

She hopped into the car.

D: John where are we going??

J: Sorry mam I can’t tell you that sir said its a surprise for you.  

D: Ok.

J: But I can assure you mam you will love what you will see.

Ditya smiled to herself knowing when it comes to her Virat will go to any extent to make it perfect.

After good 50 min she reached the destination. After she looked outside the window she realised she is at his farmhouse. Before she can react or say something the door of the car was opened by Virat who was already waiting for her.

He extended his hand towards her which was taken by her gladly.

As he looked at her he was stoned for a while. She was looking astonishing. The dress which he thought was beautiful looked even better worn by her. Her face has the most natural glow. She was barely wearing any make but was looking nothing but a fairy herself. He also noticed that the only piece  of jewellery she was wearing was there engagement ring and the pendent gifted by him.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now