Chapter 14

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Virat’s POV

The days were going like that. Its been 5 days since she left. I continued my same routine. The only change was the calls from her after my practice.

I feel mahi bhai was aware of the effect of her absence over me, so to distract me and to make be busy he asked me to help him in arranging a birthday party for sakshi bhabhi. Her birthday was in two days. Same day on which Ditya is coming back home

I spent my next two days helping Mahi bhai. We have not planed a huge party or anything but just a small get together with the team mates there wife’s or girlfriend’s and few friends.

The day has arrived. Finally. I was feeling like a teenager. She was coming back today. I just wait to see her after so long.

Msd: so Virat. Ditya coming back today right?

V: yes

Msd: and you must be going to pick her up from the airport?

He asked with a playful smile. Actually the day I went to drop her off we were clicked by few people and we were all over the internet and tv channels before I even returned home. Later I spoke to Ditya about this and she being her, said its just nothing and I should not think about all this much. The best thing about her she makes everything look simple and easy.

V:  bhai can’t I just pick my friend up from airport?

Msd: you can my little brother but make sure you are taking her straight to my house as Sakshi is adamant she is not gona cut the cake without her.

V: I will.

Msd: Virat I know you and I know her as well. Just a little advice for you take care of her and never hurt her she is very fragile. A very delicate soul.

This is the thing about Mahi bhai. He always knows what’s going in my mind and always have correct and balanced words to give advice, he makes sure that he is not being bossy or rude. He can be a big brother and a friend at the same time.

V: I will make sure of that bhai.

I called her in the morning. She picked the call in the second attempt.

D: what veer? Why do you have to make me up? What’s so urgent.

She called me Veer. What!!! This name was very special to me. This is what my mother use to call me. And this coming from her sent a shiver down my spine. It took me good 10 15 seconds to register what has just happened. A blur image of my mom flashed in front of my eyes. I never allowed anyone else to call me that in fact only few people knew my mom use to call me that. But coming from her felt so right that I said nothing.

D: Veer!! You there??

She sounds so cute when she is sleepy.

V:  yeah I am here...

D: so tell me why you called?

V: I have called my sleeping beauty because its must be 10 am your time and you have a flight to catch at 12 so you better hurry up and get yourself here.

D:  omg I guess I was way to tired and slept in. I am dyeing to be home. And thanks so much for calling.

V: anytime. And yeah I hope you are aware you have to come to the party tonight.

D: yeah I spoke to shakshi last night she says she won’t party if I will not be there.

V:ok now go get ready. And I see you at the airport.

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