Chapter 61

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Please don't kill me after reading this chapter.

Happy reading.


As they entered the house. Both of them were awestruck and touched by the amount of effort there family and friends have put in.

Everyone present there hugged them and welcomed them. Ditya’s nervousness was evident from her face while Virat was feeling bad. He knew he will be breaking so many hearts just by cracking the news. He decided to keep mum till the end of the ceremony.

Ditya was made to sit on a chair in the centre of the room. Every one came one by one and whispered there wishes for the babies in her ears and passed on the gifts.

First one was uncle and aunty and Ditya’s parents. Followed by others.

All of them have nothing but well wishes for both of them and there kids.

They had time of there life with each other.

Yuvi: Virat tu or ye Ditya you guys are so innocent so I have decided I am going to take over the job of spoiling your kids.

V: waah waah.. very good. You already have plans to spoil  them.

Rohit: dude its important. Tujhe pe chale gaye bacche toh? You were lucky tujhe to Ditya mill gai.
Yuvi: haan. He is right. I will teach them some flirting skills too, so they don’t end up staying single.

V: yuvi bhai…

Hazel: anyways guys tell me what do you want? Girls or boys.

An all excited Hazel asked Ditya and Virat.

D: just healthy babies that’s it.

V: she is right. But I want at least one girl.

Mahi: you know what Cheeku being a dad to a baby girl is all together a different feeling. Special and magical.

Ditya looked at Virat who was happy just by the mention of the kids. She was wondering how their babies will change there life once they will be with them. She was seeing a different kind of happiness and different kind of spark in Virat’s eyes. All she wished was for him to be like this always. She offered a silent prayer “ god please don’t take away his happiness from him. I don’t care about my life but just keep him happy like this always.”

Ditya excused herself to use the washroom.

Aunty and Sakshi felt some discomfort Ditya facing so they decided to follow her. Once she was out of the washroom.

Sak: Diti you sure you are fine?

Aunty: yes beta you don’t look comfortable.

D: no I am fine. I just get tired real quick these days.

Sak: you sure Diti?

D: haan saku I am sure. Lets go everyone must be waiting.

Aunty: bacche take some rest if you want to.

D: no aunty I am fine. Lets go.

Three of them came back and they started with the dinner.

Virat sat right next to Ditya making sure she is eating right. Suddenly Ditya felt a strong cramp in her lower abdomen and dropped the spoon with which she was eating.

V: Diti.. love are you ok??

D: I don’t know. I just felt a strong cramp.

V: Lets go. Lets take you to the hospital.

D: no Virat its okkk…

Mira: Diti lets not take any risk. Please lets go to the hospital.

Mira was worried as she was aware of the complications.

Just then Ditya felt another wave of strong pain. She clutched Virat’s hand tightly.


Aunty: Virat lets not waste any more time.

Mahi: yes I am taking the car out you and sakshi take her out. And mira you just call and inform Dr. Saaj about it.

Mira: ok.

Everyone was in state of panic and tension. Ditya’s contractions were getting stronger and more frequent.

Ditya and Virat were on the back seat of Msd’s car. Virat was holding her tight while she was leaning in his chest. She was in incredible pain.

She was scared.

D: Virat this might be the our last time together.

V: shut up Diti. I told you I will not let anything happen to you.

D: Virat you can’t change the truth. Listen to me. Please.

She said in between the pain.

D: I have written a letter for you which is with Mira. Promise me you will take care of yourself and our kids if something happens to me.

V: Ditya…

D: promise me Virat.. I don’t have much time…

He was shaking. Only the thought of losing her was making him weak. He was fighting his own tears.

V: I promise.

D: Virat happy anniversary.

Is all she was able to say before she passed out. And just then Msd stopped the car in front if the hospital.

They found Dr. Saaj and couple of nurses already waiting for them with a stretcher. Virat quickly picked her and they took her in.

Dr. Saaj stopped to talk to Virat before rushing behind Ditya inside the hospital.

Dr: Virat I will try my level best. Just keep praying. I will get back to you soon.

After few minutes Virat found himself sitting in the waiting room of the hospital with his family and friends.

Msd: Virat we heard your conversation on our way to hospital. Tell us is there anything wrong!? 

As much as Msd didn’t wanted to interfere in there life’s he was worried and knew there is something which they are un aware of.

They attention of everyone present shifted towards Virat. He knew this is the time he has to tell them the truth.

V: I am sorry everyone. But we have been hiding something from you all.

Uncle: beta what it is?

V: uncle the chances of survival of Ditya in the process of delivery is only 40%. There are chances we might lose her.

There was dead silence in the room. No body knew how to react to this.

Sak: she never told us.. from how long you guys were aware of this?

V: Bhabhi she didn’t shared it with you all because she didn’t wanted you guys to be tensed and worked up. And we knew it since the first few months.

Ditya’s mom couldn’t take it any more she fell of the bench of the waiting room crying.

Mom: she was keeping all this to herself and going through it all alone.

She said sobbing. Aunty gave her support.

Aunty: we can’t fall weak now. Our daughter remain so strong for all of us.

Uncle: she is right. Now its our time to stay strong for her.

Yuvi stpped forward and gave Virat a hug.

Yuvi: Virat she is a fighter. We all know that.

Msd: we all will just stay positive and trust me nothing will happen to Ditya or our little champs. 

By this time Virat was sobbing uncontrollably. All he managed to murmur was… 

V: I hope so bhai I just hope so.

After few minutes there was absolute silence and everyone was saying there prayers for Ditya and the kids. Mira decided to hand over the letter to Virat which Ditya has given her.

Mira: Virat… this is for you…

V: thanks Mira.

Virat took it from Mira and started reading it.  

Dearest Veer,

I love you.

If you are reading this that means I am already in the hospital and fighting for my life. So I need you to stay strong for me and for our kids.

Virat you know what you are the best husband I could have ever asked for. Thank you will never be enough for all that you have done for me. Before you I didn’t have any purpose of life I was just living for the sake of  it. You filled my life with colours. You shown me how it is to be loved. How it is to be live for some one, live with someone.

When ever I needed a support mentally or physically I never had to look beyond you. Anyone can show commitment, love, dedication and compromise. But you are special because you precede all these words with one magical word – unconditional.

Virat , please know I want you to be  fine and happy even after me. Life is, at times, tough. And all we need to do is to prove that we are tougher than it.   

I know I don’t have to say because you will be the best father for our kids but still take care of them. Shower them with twice the love. 

When my kids will be old enough please let them know that I loved them with all my heart. 

Convey my apologies to our friends and family. Do let them know all i wanted was there happiness.

I am sorry Virat I was not a good life partner. I was not always there in the stands cheering for you when you broke those big records. But trust me I don’t have words to express how proud I am of you. Always keep the passion for cricket alive in you. I might have not said it many times but you already know you are the best cricketer in the world.

I am sorry for leaving you mid way but trust me prayers and love will always be with you.

Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now but it never rains forever. Life and destiny can make us apart, but nothing can take away the precious memories. Goodbye.


He couldn’t react for a while. He just started at the words written on that paper. He carefully folded it and placed it in his pocket. His head was in his hands and tons of thoughts and emotions were running through his mind.

After two hours which felt like eternity to all of them Dr. Saaj came out.

She ran towards the direction where Virat was sitting.

Dr: Virat… she made it through…

There was a wave of happiness in the room. Virat couldn’t believe his ears.

V: What..??

Dr: yes.. she made it through… but the kids…

V: what happen to the kids…??? Are they ok… tell me doctor….
V: can I see her?

Dr: of curs she is still under effect of aesthesia. But you can see her.

V: dose she knows..???

Dr: No.

V: ok.

A very scared and nervous Virat entered Ditya’s room. She was still unconscious and serval pipes attached to her body. He held her hand and placed a light kiss to which she opened her eyes slightly.

D: V…

V: shhhh… you made it through jaan. You need rest just sleep for a while

And with that she slipped back to sleep.

As soon as he came out everyone came towards him.

V: she is fine.

He declared.
Aunty kept a hand on his shoulder and asked…

Aunty: beta have you told her??

V: no I haven’t. I don’t know how to? How can I ? I promised her I will not let anything happen to her or our kids..

He said breaking down and falling on his knees. 


Guys please do let me how you feel about this update. I am really looking forward for your comments and views on this one.

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Lots of love 💗, hugs 🤗 and kisses 😘


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