Chapter 9

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Ditya’s POV

I woke up to one of the finest mornings of my life. It feels so perfect. Looking at the day outside I skipped the idea of gym and decided to go for a jog instead. I need some kind of physical activity to start my day with.

I came back home and went straight for the shower. I took few extra minute to decide on my dress for today. I was feeling all kind of positive and nervous at the same time. I wanted to look good today.

I got ready and eat some light breakfast and headed to “The Virat Kohli’s House”. To my surprise it was only around 15 minutes drive from my house and talking about the busy city like Mumbai this is nothing. I was around 10 minutes early.

I was aware he has a humongous and very beautiful house and what I saw was magnificent.

It was beyond beautiful. I can even smell the fresh lilies and roses from his garden outside the gate. I saw two very muscular and tall guys at the gate. Security I believe. How can I forget he is a big celebrity he needs all that security. There was a sudden hit of realisation for me. What I am getting myself into? Working for him and working with him is like keeping myself in constant attention to media and his crazy fans. Will I even be able to handle all this. But then I reminded myself that I have already made a decision and there is no going back now.

My chain of thoughts were broken by a knock at my window.

D: hey! I am here to meet Virat.

Security: Who are you? We cannot let anyone in like that.

D: I am Ditya Sharma. The new manager.

Security: sorry mam we cannot let you in without sir’s permission.

D: I understand. You can check with him. I will wait.

Virat’s POV

I woke up late this morning I just checked my phone to find 150 messages from my team’s WhatsApp group. Everyone was talking about me hanging out with Ditya. Some even had words for her beauty. Some even said they to wanted to be there to meet her.

It just annoyed me. I don’t know why but it pissed me off. I went to the shower brushing off all the thoughts. I was looking forward to meet her.

I heard kaka telling me the security is here telling there is someone at the gate to meet me. I was surprised who it could be? It cannot be Singh uncle. Security will not stop him at the gate. Then who it could be.

Kaka: beta what should I tell him

V: just ask him to wait. I am coming.

I came out of the shower got dressed in my formals as I am going to the office today god knows after how many months. And came downstairs.

V: yeah. So who is it at the gate? Press or fan?

Security: sir there is this lady. Her name is Ditya sharma.

V: what.... omg... just let her in right away.

After a Minute or two I saw her coming. She was glowing. She was looking breathtakingly beautiful though she was wearing a very simple white dress white footwear, a complimenting formal handbag and minimal makeup with her hairs open.

I rushed towards the entrances.

V: ditya I am so so so sorry you had to wait. I was not aware you are coming or I would have told them to let you in. I am so sorry.

D: that’s ok. I understand its there job. And uncle told me to come here so we all can go to the office together.

V: oh ok. Please come in.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now