Chapter 52

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After 14 days of her coming back from the hospital they went for her check-up as suggested by the doctor.

Dr: Mr Kohli everything is perfectly fine. All her reports are perfect you need not to worry about anything.

V: Are you sure doctor?

Dr: absolutely.

D: doctor can I start working a little?

Dr: of curs you can. You can go back to your normal life gradually. Don’t do it all at once. And avoid any kind of stress.

D: sure doctor.

V: thank you doctor.

Dr: Mr Kohli I am really very impressed with the efforts you have putted in for her recovery. We hardly see so supportive husbands. Mrs. Kohli you are really lucky.

D: that I am doctor. Thank you so much.

With that they came back home.  While they were on the dinning table having there lunch.

D: Virat now since I can go back to my normal life can you please go back to your routine too. You have already done so much for me.

V: ditya you don’t have to keep saying that how much I have done to you. You are not a burden on me and whatever I have done for you is because I love you. I can’t see you in pain. My hearts cracks to see you in pain.

Virat said with a little anger visible in his voice. She has said it more than once that how she has bothered him which was completely not expectable for him. He just dropped his spoon on the plate and stopped eating there was a silence between them.

Knowing that this time she has hurt him. She knew she has to make it up to him. She quickly placed her hand on his. Taking it in a firm grip.

D: Veer. I am sorry. I will make sure I will not do that again.

She said with such a cure expression that Virat was not able to take it. He gave up almost immediately.

V: promise me you will not say anything od that sort again.

D: haan Ii promise.

She said while putting a spoon full of food in his mouth.

The same night they were in there bedroom and were about to go to sleep. Ditya was flipping through the social media, one very important article caught her attention. 

D: Virat you never told me about this!!

She almost screamed out of shock.

V: what are you talking about Diti.

He said rubbing her shoulders a little, in effort to calm her down.

D: you are planning to skip the next series? Like really??

He said with the most astonished way. He realised that his long kept secret is out. He has planed to skip the series in order to be with her.

V: Diti see..

D: see what Virat? You are doing it for me right?

V: listen to me ok! I can’t leave you alone like this. You are precious and I can’t let anything happen to you.

D: but cricket is your passion its as important as your life to you then why Virat? Nothing is going to happen to me. I am completely fine. Please Virat go for this series for my sake.

She said on the verge of crying and making her cry was the last thing he wanted to do. But at the same time he was concerned for her.   

V: it’s a 2 week long schedule. How can I leave you alone specially when you have just recovered?

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now