Chapter 20

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Ditya’s POV

Its been 2 weeks since he is not here. And i miss him would be an understatement. There is no one to remind me of breakfast lunch and diner no one to tell me not to work so much. I have become so use to his presence in such short span of time. I  spent most of my time in office and occasionally went to meet hazel yuvi bhai and sakshi  mahi bahi. It was day before yesterday India was playing against Bangladesh, final match as it was a Sunday we all decided to watch it together at yuvi bhai’s pace. India won the match. And the man of the match and man of the series was  non other than Virat kohli. He had played extremely well. Mahi bahi even said he is in his career best form.

Yuvi pa: Ditya you are coming with us to the marriage and will be staying with us throughout the week for all the rituals. I don’t want to get married without my little sisters presence.

Yuvi bahi said or rather ordered. I had no other option left. I wished if he could be there as well. It would have been much more fun but i didn’t wanted to let down yuvi bhai and hazel for sure.

D: of curs i will come.

In these days Virat has always managed to give me a call everyday if not every day once in two days. And i appreciate his efforts. He was coming back to India today and he will be going straight to Kolkata where the next match is scheduled day after tomorrow.

It was around 7 in the morning. I tried calling him but no answer. I was aware in which hotel he is staying i tried to call there and they tried his extension. But no use. I quickly thought who else i can call. I called shikhar.

D: Hi shikhar.

Shikhar: oh hi ditya. What’s up! How are you?

D: i am good and how about you?

I was not in mood to exchange pleasantries but have you. The only thing i was worried about was Virat. Where is he?

Shikhar: i am good too. By the way any idea what’s wrong with Virat? He has locked him self in his room from the time we have landed and not talking or meeting anyone.

D: what?? He has locked him self?

Shikhar: Yes! I thought you must be aware what’s wrong with him.

D: I am not but i will find out. Thanks shikhar and all the best for the next game.

As soon as i was done with that call I called Mira.

D: Mira i want a the first available ticket to Kolkata and book a room for me in xyz hotel. (I stay in Mumbai guys I have no idea about Kolkata, just the name of hotel where the ream was staying.)

M: hey ditya everything fine?

D: i don’t know mira just do as i say i will explain it to you later. And yeah i might not be here for a day or two take care of everything.

M: i will ditya. You take care and i hope everything is fine.

I packed a beg for myself real quick and left for the airport. I again tried contacting him but no use. I bordered the flight and through out the way i was thinking all the possible reasons for his behaviour. I know virat. He is aggressive and a little short tampered but always a well behaved one. He never likes to creates worries. What it can be. And just then i looked at the date on my phone. It was his parents death anniversary. Oh god. How can i even miss that fact. How can i forget? He must be so broken at this point of time. I was glad i took the decision to go and meet him as now i realize what he must be going through and how much he needs someone by his side.

I reached Kolkata around afternoon and took a cab to hotel. I dropped my luggage in my room looked myself in the mirror once. I just wanted to make myself more confident and strong. Some where i knew i need all the strength in the world right now. I walked towards his room. His security was there but he never stopped me as he was instructed earlier by Virat himself to not to stop me ever. Instead he gave me the spare key he had with him.

I entered the pitch black room. All the curtains were drawn the lights were off ac was not turned on. The atmosphere itself was very suffocating. I tried to move a little forward. I felt he was sitting next to the bed on the floor his back resting on the wall. I knew he is already aware of my presence but he didn’t moved. I stood there for few seconds. I turned on the ac and moved the curtain a bit so that a little amount of sunlight can enter the room. To my surprise he didn’t moved. I now had the clear view of him. His face was pale and his body looked week his eyes were closed and swollen. It was clear he have been crying for hours now.

I moved closer to him and sat opposite to him same as his position just like his reflection. I didn’t said a word and so did he. We just sat there aware of each others presence. After around 5 min. He suddenly moved and putted his head in my lap and cried like a 2 year old lying on the floor. I just brushed my fingers  in his hairs and rubbed his back trying to pacify him. I decided to let him cry for a bit. I wanted him to get rid of the pain. After a generous amount of time. 

D: Veer! You know how i got to know about this name of yours? It was your mother who told me. she use to visit us often. And no offence but i always wanted my parents to be like yours. And you know why because all they have to talk about was you. I saw and felt how much they loved you and you were the centre of there world. How they supported you to do what you liked the most. I was kind of jealous of you back then. Veer when i met your parents they told me all they want is to you be happy. There dream there happiness was your happiness and you are hurting them by putting yourself in this condition. I know you miss them and the pain of separation is real but at least for there happiness you have to be happy. They are watching you veer and all they want is to you be happy. Don’t hurt them veer please.

I felt him moving. He sat straight looked into my eyes and hugged me like no tomorrow. He broke the hug after another 2 min and then i helped him got up and we both sat on the couch. The silence prevailed. I ordered a glass of juice for him. He was looking very weak.

V: Ditya. Thank you!

D: i can’t see you like that veer. And so is Maa and papa sitting up there.

I said without even thinking twice. I also noticed i addressed his parents as maa and papa. Why?? Anyways!!

We were just sitting there next to each other not even exchanging any words as such. But the silence was comforting. It was around 8.

D: virat you look weak. Please eat something. You have not eaten anything since yesterday.

V: are you spying on me? How do you even know that? And also how come you are here the biggest question I have right now.

D: So what happen was.... ( I told him everything ) and here i am.

V: diti it means a lot to me. Thank you.

I ordered food we ate in silence.

D: veer you need sleep. Go to sleep please and make sure you turn up for the breakfast tomorrow everyone is worried about you.

V: i know ditya i have behaved like a jerk. I will be there. And where are you going?

D: to my room. I am just two rooms away. Let me know if you need something. And now go to sleep see you in the morning.

Just as i was about to leave.

D: veer i might not miss them as much as you do but i miss them too.

Virat’ s POV

It was a great start to the tour. We came out with flying colours. We were done with the Bangladesh series and all set to conquer in our own country. All this while i stayed connected with ditya also not to forget won the man of the series exclusively for her.

We landed in Kolkata around afternoon. I became  emotionally very unstable as soon as i saw the change in date on my phone. Tomorrow is going to be the day in year which i can never forget. I have lost everything on this date and left with tears. I went into the room and locked myself up telling the security to not let anyone enter i switched my phone off as well. I just wanted to be alone. I wanted to cry my heart out i wanted to stay away from the world. The night went by and the day have arrived which has changed everything in my life. I was feeling all sort of broken. Felt like the pieces of my heart and soul are lying all around. I felt this sudden urge of having her around. Now a days i depend on her completely to simplify things around me. After few hours of that thought in my mind i felt her presence around me. I didn’t even opened my eyes i thought its just my imagination taking over but i realized its real when she came near me and sit down in front of me. This was it. I broke down. It was like handed over all my broken pieces to her and she slowly and patiently  fixed them and put them on place. She was my saviour in real terms. She just made me make peace with situation.

The way she talked about my parents i knew she respect them a lot. The amount of care she has shown today has raised her own bar of respect i have for her. She emerged as a true companion today.

Next morning at the breakfast every one was surprised to see her and asked her about her unannounced arrival. She told very firmly that she had some very urgent work related issues to discuss with me. Everyone forced her to stay there for the next days match. But she refused as she had to attend yuvi  pa’s wedding. As much as i wanted her to stay i was aware she has to go as she can’t be missing any ceremony of his wedding when i am gona miss most of them.

After breakfast she came to my room.

D: i am leaving veer i have to be there for yuvi bahi and hazel. I would have loved to see you play but unfortunately i can’t

V: its ok diti i understand.

D: when you guys will be joining us in the wedding?

V: i can’t say ditya. These are test matches and you know how they goes. They can end at the  3rd day or can take good 5 days nothing is certain.

D: i understand. I hope you can join us soon. All the best for you match. Take care of yourself. Bye.

V: you too. Bye. 

Ditya’s POV

As much as i wanted to stay i knew i had to come back for yuvi bhai and hezal. We are leaving day after tomorrow for there wedding in Chandigarh. With that thought i realized that its going to be a typical Indian style wedding and i don’t even have a single dress appropriate for the occasion, but then i have sakshi the shopping expert.

We went to shopping the next day and she made me pick two dresses for each function i don’t even understand why but whatever. I just bought the dresses and did my packing we are taking an early morning flight to Chandigarh. Including me yuvi bhai hazel sakshi mahi bhai geeta and others.

At virat’s end they are still at the day two of there test match. Doing pretty good and still uncertain whether they will be able to attend the wedding or not? 

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