Chapter 22

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Virat’ POV

Its been 4 days since we are done with the series and 9 days since i have last met ditya. She is in France right now getting some business deal done. We have won the series I was chosen man of the series. We are waiting for ditya to come back so that we can celebrate. Yes, she has made such a special place in everyone’s heart created a special bond with everyone that no one is ready to celebrate without her. Right now all the boys are having guys time in some disc. This is not my kind of boys time my kind is playing games till we drop. Kiddish i know. I was least interested to go. Without ditya i was being my old introvert self but rohit being rohit teased me so much saying i have become a pakka majnu and will not even step outside without ditya. I had to give up and here i am sitting in this suffocating and blasting atmosphere. There are some random loud songs playing in the background.

Ro: Cheeku chal ek drink. One drink will not do any harm.

V: no Ro I am fine. I am already way to high on life.

Raina: yeah yeah! Why not? Love is making you a philosopher kohli.

V: guys not again.

Mahi:  he is not wrong. You are in love lover boy its written all over your face.

V: you are also taking there side? What is this?

Yuvi: we are not taking anyone’s side we are saying what is true. You both are so good at what you do i wonder why its taking so long for you guys to realise that you love each other.

Ro: bhai don’t waste time. Confess.

V: i will at the correct time.

Yuvi: no time is correct you have to take the time and make it correct.

To divert there attention i ordered myself a drink. Soon we all left for our respective homes.

On coming back home i was wondering should i confess or i should just let things be the way they are. God this is confusing.  Just then my phone buzzed it was non other then the first and the last love of my life.

D: Oh so great kohli! What’s up with you?

She was pissed. It was clear from the way she was talking. Whenever she is pisses or angry she is so obvious and cute. Rather then getting scared it makes me smile. Anyways no matter how angry she is i know she can not be for a very long time.

V: What’s up with you? Why are you so angry?

D: see Virat i am already upset...

V: i know diti thats what i am asking. Kya hua hai??

I tried my level best to control my laughter. She sounds so cute and confused.

D: one its cold as shit here two my flight got delayed for 5 hours three i am hungry and i can’t find any Indian food i am craving so badly.

V: oh my god! These are to many things to deals with. But i am sure you can survive all this.

I suppressed my laughter.

D: you find it funny Kohli?

V: no not at all. Tell me about your deal?

D: oh yeah how can i even forget. I fixed the deal.

V: wow congrats tigress.

D: thank you! Chalo see you at the airport.

V: how do you know i will come to pick you up.

D: i know you virat.

V: see you.

She is truly a tigress when it comes to her work. You should see the passion on her face but at the same time she can be a young girl craving for Indian food in France and cribbing about the weather and delayed flight.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now