Chapter 15

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Virat’s POV

We reached the party around 30 minutes late. Almost all of them were there already. As this was not a huge party. I can see raina with his wife, shikhar dhawan and his wife, ashwin along with his family, yuvi paji and hazel, rohit with his wife, harbhajan paji with geeta, Rahul, hardik and other cricketers.

I have always stayed confined to myself but these people have always been there and have always supported me as family.

As soon as we entered  the house. The house went into dead silence. They were all surprised and shocked at the same time. Shakshi bhabhi introduced Ditya to everyone.

Sak: guys and girls this is Ditya my cousin and best best best friend. She is a business woman by profession

Geeta: oh come on sakshi. Who dosen’t the Ditya Sharma. Nice to meet you Ditya. Have heard a lot about you.

D: i hope all the good things.

Geeta: off curs.

Rahul: you are way more beautiful then your pictures. Simply gorgeous.

Rahul said taking Ditya’s hand and kissing it. How can he? I mean i know how rahul is. He is a big flirt but he can’t be doing that with my girl. Wait is she my girl??

I saw Ditya snatching her hand from rahul and discomfort written  all over her face.

V: Lets go and meet others.

In no time she was comfortable with all of them. She have become a part of us. The girl gang loved her and the guys adored her. Yuvi and bhajji have already declared her to be there sister like. I was sitting in corner and observing all this i wondered how can she be so loving and charming. Her charm works like magic. She has the capability of winning all the hearts. She is beautiful intelligent successful yet so polite and down to earth. Just then i saw her going to the kitchen. Don’t know why but i followed her. She was standing on a low stool and trying to get something from the shelf. She felt my presence and turned towards me.

D: hey virat! You need something?

V: nopes just wanted to talk to you.

D: tell me what it is?

V: you called me veer this morning. You know the story behind it. Don’t you.

D: yes i do. I am sorry i called you that. I will not do that again.

She said with a guilt and sad expression on her face. And she turned her face away from me and as she did it she lost her balance and was about to fall but thank god for my quick reflexes i caught her. She fell in my arms. She had horror written all over her face. She opened her eyes after good 10 15 seconds.

D: Thanks virat.

V: call me veer i love it when you say it.

D: really??

V: yes. You have all the rights to call me that.

I don’t know why i said the last part. But something i know is i am falling for this girl really hard or am i already fallen.

I walked out of the kitchen.

Yuvi: kya baat hai cheeku phle to tu kisi party main itne time nahi ruka.

Msd: phle kisi party main Ditya bhi to nahi thi

Round one of teasing session.

V: nothing like that yuvi pa. I felt like staying. Aren’t you liking my presence.

Yuvi : of curse we are. And by the way we saw what happend in the kitchen.

V: you did?? 

I asked with a hit of blush on my face.

Yuvi: yes. Listen cheeku. She is the best you can ever have. I am seeing a different and better you when you are with her. She makes you feel happy she makes you feel complete. The expression you had when you entered hand in hand with her in the house said it all. Tell her cheeku before its late.

What? Is it the case. I mean i knew i feel better with her. She gives me all those feelings and emotions which i thought never existed. But are those things evident to others to. And did we really walked in hand in hand? Should i tell her or its to early dose she likes me? Oh god this is even hard then scoring a double century.

Msd: Virat take your time sort your feelings out but make sure you don’t take long.

V: ok bhai..

When i came out everyone was having dinner. Out of no where Ditya came in front of me and handed over a plate of food.

D: here you go.

V: thanks!

I can se the suspicious smile on everyone’s face with a hint of aww and amusement.

Yuvi: so Ditya any boyfriend?

I knew where yuvi paji is taking this.

D: nopes. Not lucky enough to find the love of my life.

Hazel: really? I thought you and virat are dating.

I chocked on my food.

D: no we are not. Not yet.

The later part of her answer went un noticed by others but it hit me hard. She said not yet. That means.... she likes me. This was a huge relief for me.

Party came to the end and all of them loved the new member of the gang. While we were bidding bye i was kind of ignored by most of them and ditya emerged as the one getting all the attention not that i hated it but was so happy to see her getting along with everyone so perfectly.

D: thanks for the dropping me of veer.

V: it was a pleasure to be in you company. And this jersey suits you. You look beautiful.

D: it might suit me but you look more hot in this.

With that a beautiful night came to an end. And yes she just called me hot.

Ditya’s POV

What an eventful night. I met such nice and warm people.

I was lying in my bed and was rewinding the instances at the party. I liked them all except for rahul. I remember the way Virat fumed when he kissed my hand.

Just them my phone buzzed there was a group created in WhatsApp with all the people in the party today. All were sharing pictures. Yuvi sent a pic which caught my attention. Its was picture of me in virat in the kitchen when i fell into his arms. What!!! He captured it. And he shared it to. Round of leg pulling and virat trying to explain what had happened. I chose to keep quite.

I was looking at the picture and just then i thought about what he said. With that my mind started wandering. Dose he likes me? Or am i jumping to the conclusion to early? Do i like him?

Ok. Whom i am even trying to bluff. I have liked him since the day he played his first match for our school. There was something in his eyes which always attracted me towards him. In all these years i have followed every news and article about him. After so many years when i first saw him at sakshi’s place he still had that something in his eyes and i drooled once again. All the time we have spent together have given me so much peace and happiness that i have blurt  out my feelings for him twice today. Oh god please make those go unnoticed to him. But i knew its to late for that.

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