Chapter 42

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Guys you and your love makes me the happiest. Thank you so much for showing so much appreciation.  9.1k reads, 911 votes and Mr & Mrs. Perfect Kohli is on #90 . To be honest I have never imagined coming this far when I started it. Thank you so much. I am feeling like a proud mom right now as this book is like a baby to me.

 I am feeling like a proud mom right now as this book is like a baby to me

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The next morning Virat was the first one to woke up. He was in the state of tranquillity. Calm and peace.
He looked at his Ditya closely. This was not the first time when he woke up with her warmth around him but this was definitely special. Very special. Today she belonged to him today and forever. He observed her carefully the little red vermilion was adding it to her beauty her flawless milky soft hands filled with heena and a sense of peace spread over her face.

D: Mr. Kohli staring is rude.

She said with her eyes still close and Virat realized she is awake now.

V: I was not staring I was admiring Mrs. Beautiful Kohli.

He said with a husky raspy morning voice. Near her earlobe.

Her stomach flipped listening to that.  It was not the first time he called her that. May be its his husky voice or the proximity which did the trick.

He was so close to her that a sudden urge of capturing her lips with his aroused in him but before he could have done that she pushed him back and ran towards the washroom sticking out her tongue at him.

V:Not fair Mrs. Kohli. So not fair.

D: all is fair in love and war Mr. Kohli.

She shouted back.

She walked out of the dressing room draped in a pretty sari. Virat who was busy talking with someone on his phone felt her presence near him. His attention shifted towards her and he was mesmerised one more time. She was looking pretty with minimal makeup. She always managed to swipe him of his feats effortlessly. Ditya noticed his eyes fixed on her she took baby steps towards him and forwarded her hands towards him which held the little box of vermilion.

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