Chapter 34

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Its been few days since they came back to Mumbai. Both of them got busy like anything but Virat had made it a point to pick up Ditya in the morning drop her to office then he goes for his practices and shoots comes back by evening and drop her back home. No matter what they takes out time for each other daily.

But from few days Ditya has noticed some changes in his behaviour. He is always on phone or discussing some thing with Mira, sakshi or any of there friends or family making sure that Ditya never comes to know what they are discussing. One of these days.

D: Virat its enough now. Would tell me what's going around?

V: What's going around jaan? Nothing.

D: Stop fooling me Virat i know you are up to something. Care to tell?

V: You love me Ditya don't you?

D: i do veer.

V: and you trust me?

D:of curs.

V:then promise me you will not ask anything to me.

D: but veer.

V: Diti please.

D: Fine.

Though she desperately wanted to know what's going on but as promised from that day onwards she stopped asking questions to him.

Day by day he was getting more mysterious. She even tried her luck by asking Mira and sakshi even she tried it with MSd but they refused to say anything.

One day while going through the bank records Ditya noticed Virat withdrawing huge amount from his account. Though it was his money he can use it in whatever way he wants but that made her worried. Is something wrong?

He has started paying a little less attention towards Ditya as he was on his mystery mission which hurt Ditya a lot. She has became so use to of his presence around him that she hated the shift of his attention to some random stuff which she was not even aware of.

He is spending most of the time with the Dhoni family, talking to Ditya's family, the group of friends or Mira. Not that she didn't wanted him to spend time with them but she was now feeling left out by all.

As she entered the office she felt an unusual hustle and bustle in the office. She met Mira on her way to the cabin.

D: Hey Mira what is going on?

M: Virat is in the office.

D: what? This early? Where is he?

M: he is in the conference room having a discussion with bunch of people he asked not to disturb him.

D: Whatever.

Ditya was now furious. Not because he has asked not to disturb him but because she knew he was up to something big and he was hiding it from her. Its been days he was behaving differently. He seems to be to lost or to busy with his concentration over almost nothing. She was getting more and more confused with his behaviour. On the other hand the tension of awards was eating her up. All she wanted was a little time and attention from Virat at this point of time but that man was lost in his own world. Almost half of day he in either practicing on field or in the gym as he was training really hard for the IPL and the rest of the day he is upto something which she is not aware of.

Huffing and puffing in anger she reached her cabin. She was sitting there and working just then she was disturbed by her very own Veer.

V: Oh hello sunshine!!

D: What do you want Virat?

V: oh my god some one seems to be angry!

D: yeah as if you care. Anyways tell me what are you here for? Don't you have your secrete plans running?

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now