Chapter 48

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They spent a blissful day together watching movies a game of football highlights of his last series and what not. The only thing which bothered Virat was Ditya’s reluctance towards food.

V:Come on Ditya you have not eaten anything since morning and that one glass of juice doesn’t count.

D: but veer I am not hungry I just don’t feel like eating.

V: Not even your sinfully delicious Choco chip ice cream.

Virat said trying to convince her to at least eat something as its already dinner time and she has skipped all the meals of the day though he is a person who never favours unhealthy eating but he has to do it today to make her have something.

D: you serious about that?

Her expressions changed into the most excited one.

V: Yes I am. So shall we go now?

D: Oml yes!! Its been forever since I last had my Choco chip ice cream.

He drove her to an isolated ice cream place and got her a large tub of ice cream and they drove back home.

She settled her self on the kitchen counter and dogged her spoon and had a few spoons of it. Virat sat in front of her making himself comfortable on a kitchen stool  to adore his Wife.

After about 3 or 4 spoons she gave up on the ice cream too and declared.

D: I don’t want to have more.

She placed the tub back in fridge and walked upto there bedroom leaving a shocked Virat behind who was completely baffled about what is going around him, Ditya not feeling like having an ice cream was a complete shock itself. Reluctantly he made his way towards the bedroom behind her only to find her in the bathroom.

She took good 20 min to come out of the washroom. Looking at her he was sure that she has taken a shower and changed into fresh comfortable set of cloths. Virat was sitting on the couch and observing ever move of her. He was sure there is something wrong with her but was not able to pinpoint it.

She didn’t said a word and slided under her duvet making her self comfortable. She kept tossing and turning unable to sleep and finally said.

D: Virat can you please come and curdle with me I am unable to sleep.

Even Virat can see that she was not able to sleep but he waited for her it was kind of him giving her some space and trying to figure out what’s wrong himself. 

He quickly got up turned off the lights and slided in bed beside her. Holding her like his life.

V: Diti are sure you are fine?

D:yes Veer.

V: pakka?? Are you not feeling well or something?

D: no Virat I am ok I just want to curdle the worlds hottest guy in this world who luckily happen to be my husband and sleep.

He kissed her forehead.

V: Good night love.

D:Good night Veer.

She murmured and drifted off  to sleep.

Ditya came to office early this morning as she had an important meeting. Its been few days she kept skipping meals and being lazy or tired all the time. Virat is now worried about her health but she keep saying she is good.

It was around 11 when she got done with the meeting and thought of giving Virat a quick call.

She dialled his number for 12 times now and he was not picking up the phone. A sudden sense of horror erupted in her. Form the time he has informed her about those threats he was getting she has become insecure. She has made it a point to keep a check on him in every hour or two when of curs he in not playing a game of cricket.

By now all the bad thoughts came running to her mind. She picked her beg up and phone and rushed out of her cabin. On her way out of office she stopped by Mira’s desk.

D: Mira cancel everything for today. I am leaving.

Mi: Ditya what happened? Everything fine?

D: we will talk about this later I don’t have time right now.

And with that she came out of the office and drove her car towards home without informing her security to follow her.

On her way her phone rang and it was Virat. She quickly stretched her car to driveway and picked up the call.

D: Virat where were you??

And with that she started crying hesitantly.

To be honest Virat was expecting this he was aware of her fear after he told her about those threats.

V: Diti. Baby I am fine stop crying now. Please. I was at practice and forgot my phone at home. You could have called Mahi bhai yuvi paa anyone. I am fine jaan stop crying.

D: I was worried Veer. And I don’t know how but It completely slipped out of my mind to call any one else. How I can be so stupid?

V: That’s ok Diti I understand you must be hell worried. Infact I am  sorry for being so stupid. Forgive me.

D: Its ok Veer.

V: Ok tell me where are you I will come and meet you.

D: No need I am on my way home will reach home in max 10 min.

V: Ok!! But don’t tell me you are talking on phone while driving.

D: I am not that stupid. I pulled the car to drive way. Ok now bye I see you at….

And the next thing he heard was a loud *thud* sound. As if some thing just crashed.

V: Diti… Diti… jaan… say something… Ditya you there… no this can not be possible…

It took his mind sometime to digest what has just happened. His mind was sure she met with an accident. But his heart kept telling him that she is fine. He took his car keys and drove towards the office as she said she was on her way back to home only to find that people have already gathered near a heavily damaged car and police all around.

He tried hard to get near the car. But the police didn’t let him.

Police: Mr Kohli you can’t go near the car.

V: but it was wife who was there in the car.

Police: We know that and were about to give you a call. The ambulance has already taken her to the nearest hospital. You can go and meet here there.

Just as he was about to leave his phone rang.

Random person: This is what happens when you don’t do what we tell you to do Virat Kohli. See now your wife have to pay the price for you disobeying us. We knew your life is in your wife and we hit the sweet spot.

V: Shut the Fuck up you bastard and now you wait and see who you have messed up with.

With that he disconnected the call and drove towards the hospital as of now Ditya was only thing on his mind.

As he reached hospital he was navigated towards the ICU. To his relief it was Dr . Saaj. He was a bit relived as he can trust her.

She was instructing someone to arrange for blood type O-ve. He approached her.

V: Dr. How is Ditya is she fine?

Dr saaj: Mr kohli we are trying our level best. She has lost lots of blood and her blood type is rare. I will go and attend her first and will get back to you. Trust us we are trying our level best.

V: I trust you with her Life doctor. Do anything you can but please save her.

He said pleading. Dr Saaj gave her a reassuring nod and left.

He shrank down on the floor crying his heart out. He was than interrupted by the police.

Police: I am sorry to ask you all this at this point sir but can you tell us what all you know about this accident. Looking at how this has happened it doesn’t looks like and accident.    

He tried to get his composure.

V: Yes officer as it was not an accident.

And then he narrated the entire story to the officer also mentioned the complaint he has launched with police regarding this matter. He also gave the call details to the police.

Police: Don’t worry Sir. We will get the hold of the culprit as soon as possible.

With that the officer left. His attention shifted back towards the ICU door. Just then he felt a tap on his shoulder and it was non other than Mahi bhai and family along with Yuvi ,hazel bhajji pa geeta and rohit ritika. The news of the accident was all over the news and they all came to know about it.

As soon as he saw mahi bhai he hugged him and cried his heart out. 

Msd: Virat smbhal apne aap ko. Or bata kya kaha doctor ne?

He made him sit on the hospital bench. Aunty sat beside him.

Aunty: haan beta kaisi hai Ditya?

V: they are trying there level best.

He said between the hiccups.

Just then Sakshi who was trying to be clam and compose broke down into tears. Her sister her best friend was fighting for life and she couldn’t  take it anymore.

Uncle hugged her and said..

Uncle: we all have to be strong and lets hope and pray for Ditya’s health. We can get weak like this.

Yuvi: haan meri sister hai. Fighter to hogi he na. I know kuch nahi hoga usse. She will be fine.

He said fighting his own tears.

They all sat there quietly. Waiting for the doctor to come. All there lips moving in sync to pray for Ditya. But there was Virat whose mind was working in serval directions. 

V: “why it has to be her who pay the price god why? Isn’t that unfair she is suffering because of me? It should be me who should be going through all this not her. God please not her. You took away mom and dad I still survived some how but please not her god. Please.”

Suddenly something got into her mind. He got up with a jerk and moved away from all of them and called some one.

V: James where are you?

J: I am out side hospital sir managing the mob and media.

V: come and meet me right away.

J: on my way sir.

After a while James who was his security head came inside the hospital to meet him. 

V: where the fucking hell were you good for nothing security guys were James when all this happened? What were you guys even doing?

J: sir mam was in hurry and she didn’t even informed the security before leaving the office so they were not able to follow her.

V: go hell with you bloody excuses James. Now listen to what I say. I don’t know if the police finds the culprit or not I give you 48 hours. I want them in front of me in next 48 hours. Do you get that?

He said almost flaring through his eyes.

J: yes sir.

He came back to where everyone else was sitting.

Uncle: I will call and inform Ditya’s mom dad about this they deserve to know.

V: Uncle I will inform them as I was the one who promised to take care of Ditya and I failed miserably.

Msd: Virat why are you blaming yourself. Its not your fault.

V: its all my fault its all my bloody fault.

He said hitting his fist on the wall. Tears of frustration and helplessness rolling down his cheeks.

V: I promised her and her father that I will protect her will not let anything happen to her but see what I have done to her. Only if I would have taken those threats seriously. Only if I would have not left the phone at home. Only if I would have  been there with her. She would have been fine. She is suffering all this because of me. I am her culprit.

All of them looked at him in a disbelief. He was holding himself responsible for no apparent reason.

Aunty knew there is no point consoling him right now . She just gave him a motherly hug. Later he parted the hug took his phone out of his pocket to break the news to Ditya’s parents who were travelling abroad.  


I am sorry for the sad and tragic chapter but not all can be good all the time, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of discovery - there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.

Hope you guys enjoy reading this as well.

Don’t forget to check out my other book if you have not done that already.

Lots of love and kisses to all of you as all of you are just wonderful. Thanks for all your love. I am grateful and blessed

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now