01- Real Love

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"You're healthy Ms. Knowles, you have nothing to worry about." Beyonce heard doctor Mills say. Rubbing her almost three months belly she sighed. She was very happy hearing that her baby was okay and she was too. She looked forward to meeting her little person ever single day. Today she was able to hear the heartbeat, at twelve weeks she was a little stressed. Being this was her first baby at the age of 35 she was very scared.

The father of her child was dead and she didn't have any family so she would definitely be on her own. Over and over she asked her self how she was going to do this. But she never could get an answer.

"Thank You, I'm just paranoid."

"It's okay, did you think about my solution?"

Truthfully she did but she didn't know how good of an idea it was. Being offered a chance to be a principal at Midwood High was an honor. So many teachers applied for the position and she was the youngest and was hired right on the spot. However, people didn't take to kindly to an unwed principal. What kind of example is that to high school students who are still trying to find themselves.

"I'm just not sure."

"Well you have time. Whether you realize it, the both of you could help each other." This was true, she lied to the county saying she was getting married before school started but at some point she would have to show she actually kept that commitment.

"Are you sure he's down for it?" She asked really wondering. Of course he had briefly told her about the struggle of Shawn Carter. But would paying off his daughter hospital bill be enough?

"How about we schedule a sit down between you two?" Beyoncé thought Hell no but at this point she had nothing to lose. Not many people were running to marry a pregnant woman.


"I'll set it up and get back to you."





Shawn Carter sat at the foot of his little girls bed. He watched as she slept peacefully wondering if things would get better. Clarissa had been in the Hospital for a year and a half now. Every month since her accident she had at least one surgery a month. Her insurance dropped her six months ago and Shawn now had an extra job since his business was failing.

Clarissa Carter was his only child and besides his best friend and brother Tyran His only family as well. Tyran had been there for him since day one and never left. Tyran made it possible for him to be with his daughter now. While he visited her he ran Shawn's business. Although they weren't making enough money right now Tyran still worked to help Shawn and his niece.

Clarissa had one more surgery until they were done working on her and she would be able to leave in a month or less. She was only four and her little body could only take so much. He Only hoped that when she was out he would still be able to take care of her considering he was barely taking care of himself.

"Mr. Carter," he heard the voice of his daughters doctor. He watched Dr. Mills pick up the chart and examine his sleeping daughter.

"Hey, she's been sleep since I've been here."

"Good that means the medicine is working?"

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