31- Real Love

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"Shit!" I grunted as Beyoncé slammed down on my hard dick.

"You think I need to be Watched?" She asked me and I quickly shook my head no.

Beyoncé was upset and she was taking all her aggression all out on me. She had me all tied up and my eyes blind folded. At first I thought it was a surprise but now I'm sure it's because she was mad.

"Open, your damn mouth and speak," She said as she lifted up and smashed right back down.

"No baby, no I don't!" I said moving my arms a little trying to escape but she had be tied up real good.

"Then why would Tyran say that? I know you told him." She said. I felt Beyonce's walls clenching my dick and I wanted to grab her and burry my self into her. I wanted to be in control.

"Bey stop," I groaned and I heard her chuckle.

"Hell Naw," she said in a thick southern accent. She kept going until I felt her release all over me. I could tell she still had more things planned and I knew I was correct when I felt her warm tongue swirl around the tip
Of my dick.

"Fuck Bey, move," I said as I felt my self about to bust.

"Okay," I heard her say before she was moving.

"Bey?" I called and I got no answer. I couldn't see and I was still tied up.

"Beyoncé?" I said again. This time I heard the shower running.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled feeling the pain in my dick. I know she didn't leave me here to fend for myself. My dick was hard and I needed a release too.



Two days Later


"You still mad?" I asked Shawn as we sat at the table eating our Breakfast.

Shawn rolled his eyes and turned his head. It had been two days since I left his ass on hard and it was still funny to me. He was so mad that I didn't finish him off but hey I only did what he told me to.

"Fuck you," He said and I giggled.

"I bet you wish you could've two days ago, huh?" I laughed and he sighed. It was funny to see him mad. It just let me know the power of my pussy.

"Whatever," Shawn said getting up. I giggled and grabbed his arm.

"Baby?" I said but he didn't answer. He wouldn't even look at me.

"I'm sorry," I said and he finically turned to me.

"Are you really or you're just saying that."

"I'm just saying that, you know damn well I meant it. Ty didn't just get that from himself you had to tell him that." I told him.

"Tyran has a mind of his own ya
Know!" Shawn huffed.

"Yeah but Tyran doesn't live with me-"

"I don't either," he said interrupting me. I slightly lifted my eye brows letting him know he needed to shut his ass up and he caught my damn drift.

"Like I was saying, he wouldn't know I'm protective because I've only been protective around you." I said and he looked away.

"Okay, I might have told him to watch out for you." Shawn admitted.

"There is no might, you did and that's why I punished yo ass the other night." I told him.


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