34- Real Love

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Later that night

"This won't be happening again," Beyoncé said as she covered herself with the sheets.

She had just finished making love to Shawn and she felt like shit. Well not really but she felt like she should.

"If you say so baby," Shawn replied before kissing her lips. She sighed and looked at him. He was her weakness and she hated it.

"I mean it, you were only suppose to be here so we could wake up and watch Claire open her gifts. That's it, I don't even know how this happened." She huffed pulling the sheets tighter around her body.

"Please, we both know how it happened," he smirked.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes feeling herself get annoyed.

"I won't play second to your ex-wife-"

"And you don't have to if you let me explain-"

"I don't want to hear nothing about it or her Shawn."


"Just leave it okay!" She yelled snatching the covers up and leaving the bed. She walked into the adjoining restroom and slammed the door shut making sure to lock it as well.

Shawn sighed because he was aggravated. He was beyond pissed that she wouldn't give him a chance to explain.

He heard the shower running and knew that their conversation was over.


Christmas Day

Shawn opened his eyes at 5 a.m. On the dot. He was so use to waking up that early that it didn't matter. He leaned to the side and realized Beyoncé wasn't beside him.

After their misunderstanding last night Shawn fell asleep before she could emerge from the shower. He had no room for arguments only love. He loved Bey and he knew he wasn't wrong this time.

If only she would let him explain the meaning behind the letter she would know he wasn't lying. He could honestly say that even if Laura was clean he would still want Beyoncé. He had no love in his heart for her and it would stay that way.

It didn't take him long to get out of bed and do his morning routine. He was happy he had bought and overnight bag because Beyoncé had thrown some of his stuff. Granted she was mad but she had no right to be.

Shawn sighed when he was done and decided he would look for her. It didn't take long at all. She was Claire's room snuggling with her. They were sleeping good and both were storing.

Shawn smiled at the image before him. He had nothing else but his family and that all he wanted. That's why he worked so hard on himself. That's why he made the necessary changes he needed to.

He just wished Beyoncé would let him explain. That's all he wanted. He needed her to listen because he just couldn't lose her.

"Thanks mommy and daddy, I love it!" Claire said as she opened the last of her gifts.

Beyoncé was happy that Claire was happy but she felt played. Shawn had bought way more gifts than her and she was sure they received the same list.

"You're welcome," Shawn said and Beyoncé took a moment to glance at him. She loved his clean cut hair, his big juicy lips and the smile he held.

"Shawn," she spoke and he looked at her. She felt a tingle in her spine and she shivered under his gaze.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Can we uh, talk?" She asked him.

He looked at her confused but nodded his head yes. They excused them selves from the room leaving the children with Paula and her husband.

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