07- Real Love

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A week later

It had been days since Beyoncé and Shawn communicated. Both of them had no real issue yet they were scared to talk to each other. Conversations never went well when they had them so they both figured that if they didn't have them nothing could go wrong.

Beyoncé had been over what he said to her and if she was being honest she feared he would soon find out about her visitations with Clarissa.

Everyday since the first day she continued to visit Clarissa. She had a routine she'd play, talk and then read her a book. Which happened to be the I'm a pretty little black girl book.

Clarissa enjoyed Beyonce's company a whole lot. It definitely beat being there all day waiting for her daddy to get off work. Each and everyday Beyoncé would go at the same time and leave missing Shawn by five minutes.

Neither one of them knew this. Shawn desired to meet Ms. Pretty not knowing that he already had.

Beyoncé hid it very well mostly because she hadn't had a conversation with with him. She was never a good liar so it was best for her not to mention the hospital if and when they decided to talk.

Today wasn't as good as a day. Beyoncé hadn't been feeling well. Morning sickness was literally kicking her ass. Although she wanted to see Clarissa she had to settle for a phone call instead.

Of course Clarissa was not happy about this but there was really nothing Beyoncé could do about. Every other minute she was hovering over a toilet.

"Come on baby stop for mama," Beyoncé said rubbing her stomach. Her sickness had started late last night and it hadn't subsided since. She heard a knock on the door but she didn't have enough strength to stand up.

"Beyoncé- are you okay?" Shawn asked in a concerned tone. Beyoncé was on the floor next to her bed. She was a little weak. The last time she went to the restroom she barely made it out so she crawled to her bed and stay on the floor.

"Y-yeah," she said with her eyes now clothes. She was sweating now and breathing just a little harder than normal.

"Beyoncé can you look at me?" Beyond didn't respond she was just trying to focused on relaxing.

"I'm going to call Dr. Mills okay?" Beyoncé only nodded her head.

Shawn left the room and Beyoncé felt the urge to throw up again. She didn't have any strength to get up so when she felt a small trash can in front of her she was grateful.

Spilling the content into the garbage she felt hands rubbing her back and her hair being lifted up. She knew it could only be Shawn because nobody else was there today. It was confirmed when he spoke.

"Dr. Mills is on his way. Everything will be okay." He said softly. Sure enough Dr. Mills did come. Shawn picked Beyoncé up off the floor and place her on the bed so the doctor could examine her.

"It's morning sickness, but what caused her to be weak is she's dehydrated. I'm going to go get some medical equipment and I'll be back to insert an IV so we can get some fluids in her body."

"Are you sure? She's barely alert."

"I'm positive, these things can happen during pregnancy. She's retained less than she's released. She has to be careful with it though. Instead of eating a lot of heavy foods she might need to stick with some cracker and a club soda or water. It'll help soothe her stomach and she wont be to hungry. Right now she's just throwing up everything and that's not good."

"But she's hungry most of the time and I mean I do understand but what is crackers going to do?"

"Well it'll let her retain more food smoothly. It definitely won't rid her of the nausea. But I'll also give her some tablets to help with that. It won't hurt the baby it's just going to keep her from throwing up so much." Dr. Mills explained. He wrote her a prescription and gave it to Shawn.

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