39- Real Love

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Daniel Collins sighed as he looked at the crying baby in his wife's arms.

"Lillian shut him up!" He said sternly and she looked at him like he was crazy.

"It's kinda hard considering he doesn't know us yet! "

" He's been here the last 15 hours he should be used to us by now. He's been crying since he got here."

"I know Daniel but we can't blame him. We did take him from his family. "

" No we're his family and she took him from us!" He yelled.

"I think he's hungry but for some reason he's not drinking the bottle," Lillian replied ignoring what her husband had said.

Deep down she didn't believe this was right but she had no say so in this case.

"Use the formula his mother bought and when she comes back , if he hasn't eaten she'll figure it out." He said referring to Aneima.

Aneima helped set everything up for them to get their blood back. With Calvin gone Corey was next to him.

Since Calvin was supposed to marry Aneima anyway Daniel only saw it fit that she play the motherly role to Corey.

Speaking of Corey they had plans of changing his name as well. They didn't like that Beyoncé named their grandchild after her man who was playing daddy to Corey. They absolutely hated it. It also made it no better that Corey had been crying since he arrived.

They assumed Corey would be easy to keep but he wasn't. He cried all day and wanted nothing to do with any of them. He was passed around from arm to arm. It was a rotation. When one person was tired of hearing him cry the next would pass him to someone else. He had slept one time and for 3 hours.

At this point, he was exhausting everyone.

"I'm back," the couple heard their favorite daughter in law.

"Thank God," Daniel praised.

"Awe he's still crying? Come here, baby." She said reaching out and Lillian obliged.

"He hasn't stopped since he woke up. He won't drink any of his bottles-"

"He was breastfed. She never gave him formula she always pumped."

"So, milk is milk!" Daniel said.

"Not to a baby, she has him on a tight schedule and I'm sure if he never had anything else he would know the difference." She sighed.

"Well you need to figure it out because Jr.'s attitude is not going to work."

"We'll figure it out but for now, we need to get him calm." She smiled but Corey only cried harder. It was like he had a new gust of wind in his lungs.

"Aneima, take him into the nursery until he's ready to calm down." Daniel said and she nodded. As soon as Aneima was out of sight Lillian took a moment to speak to her husband about the situation.

"I don't think this was a good idea, Daniel. What if he makes himself sick from all that crying. I want a piece of Calvin but I don't want to go to jail to have him. I think we should return him to his mother." Lilian suggested. She watched as he husband looked at her before walking towards her. He was inches away when she received a backhand to her cheek.

"I didn't marry you for your thoughts, and that's a given."


"We went over surveillance at Party Central and were able to recover a license plate. However, no facial recognition." Detective Lucas said. He placed the photos in front of Beyoncé and Shawn.

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