36- Real Love

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"You like this one Claire?"

"Is mommy going to live in here with us?" She asked for 8th time today.

"No baby she's not," he frustratingly replied.

"Nope," she said popping the p and Shawn sighed. Undoubtedly Claire had been on it all day. Even after the talk Claire still wasn't happy.

"It's a three bedroom, with a small out door pool-" the realtor tried to explain but Claire cut her off.

"Can mommy swim in it?" She asked.

"That's a question for your father," she replied.


"No Claire she can't."

"Then no daddy we can't live here." She pouted and folded her arms.

Shawn sighed and figured they just needed to put a hold on today's process and he would just come alone.

He thanked the realtor and they left.

As hey we're driving Shawn took the time to talk to Claire again.


"Yes daddy?"

"You remember what I told you this morning about mommy right?"

"Yes sir," she said confidently.

"And what did I say?"

"That she wouldn't leave me," she replied.

"Right but I also said we wouldn't be living with her anymore."

"Right but she can live with us, if we get a house that's big enough daddy." Claire pleaded.

"No she can't baby it's not about a house. You're to young to understand but mommy, and I aren't together anymore. We broke up."

"Well Get back together," She said sadly. He knew she was getting ready to start crying which is why he was glad he was pulling up to Beyoncé's home.

"We can't, we're getting a divorce Claire."

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's when two people who are married permanently separate from each other and are no longer married."

"No daddy no!" Claire started to cry her eyes out.

"Claire I'm sorry, but things happen."

"But you love mommy," she cried.

"I do, but it's not enough." He simply told her. Claire cried for a while as they sat in Beyoncé's driveway. Her feelings were hurt and Shawn couldn't take the pain away.

When she calmed down Shawn got her out of the car and carried her to the front door. He didn't use his Key because they were no longer together. He simply used the doorbell like any other house guess.

It wasn't long before the door opened but, to his surprise it was Nicki who opened it. More so, because he didn't see her car up front.

"Hey Shawn, Claire." She said opening the door.

"Hey! How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good and yourself?" Nicki replied.

"I'm good."

"Is Bey home?" He asked still holding Claire in his arms.

"Yes she's up stairs would you like to see her?"

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