09-Real Love

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Few weeks later

"Did you ever apologize?" Tyran asked Shawn. They were at work doing paperwork on an audit. Money and sales weren't adding up so they needed to see where the mishaps were coming from.

"Yeah I did," Shawn smiled deviously.

"Woah you did more than apologize huh?" Tyran chuckled.

"I mean she is my wife right?" Shawn laughed.

"Yeah, but if you're going to do all that make sure you don't play with her feelings." Tyran said in a serious manner.

"Woah no I haven't done anything like that! All we did was kiss Ty." Shawn said.

"Oh, I thought y'all did a lil tussling in the sheets." Tyran laughed but Shawn didn't. He placed the papers down and really looked at his friend.

"What if I kinda want to," he mumbled and Tyran stopped writing and looked him.

"You're serious?" Tyran asked and Shawn nodded his head.

"I have this strong attraction towards her. Even Pregnant she's sexy as hell and it's not even my baby. She's sweet and very shy. She looks out for me and as many times I've been rude to her she's never retaliated."

"Is it just and attraction or you actually like your wife?"

"I don't know man, I honestly don't know."

"Well how does she respond to you?"

"For the last couple of weeks we've been good. We kiss and stuff and when things start to get serious she stops."

"Damn I would hate to have a wife as fine as yours to push me away."

"Shut up," Shawn groaned. It was honestly a hurtful thing but he understood where Beyoncé was coming from.

"Maybe you should talk to her about it." Tyran shrugged.

"I'll think about it later," Shawn replied back before going to his paper work along with Tyran.

"Awe shit I found it," Ty mumbled and Shawn looked over his paperwork.

"You can't be serious!"


The sun was still out at six thirty. Beyoncé sighed when she hadn't heard anything from Shawn. She'd went to go visit Clarissa, got a check up and even fixed a little something for dinner.

She couldn't lie and say that things hadn't been great between them because it was. She felt good when she was with Shawn and she couldn't control it. He made her feel good, and almost like a married woman.

Shawn was putting in work like he promised and that made her feel good. He was at home every night at a reasonable time and he almost always called before six to let her know when to expect him.

However, today a lot of things didn't happen. He hadn't called and he didn't show up for lunch. He wasn't even there when she had woken up that morning and it kind of irritated her.

"Shit," she mumbled forgetting that the stove was still on. She was truly aggravated. She burned the rice and that was going to be a big help to the main dish. She took a long breath and stood at the sink.

Washing the pot she began to think about everything that had been happening between them. Things must of got heated in her mind because not to soon after she found herself crossing her legs. A moaned escaped from her lips and she heard someone chuckle behind her.

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