11- Real Love

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"Ms. pretty Guess what?" Clarissa asked as she played with the bratz doll head Beyoncé had bought her.

"You're getting better?"

"Yeah and I'm going home soon," Clarissa announced. Beyoncé suddenly froze and began bitting the inside of her jaw. She was nervous about this. Over the last month she had formed a relationship with Clarissa without Shawn knowing.

Of course she knew once he found out things between them could be place on hold. The only thing is she was starting to like Shawn a lot.

Granted last nights lovemaking had been the best she ever had it was more than that. Beyoncé didn't want to seem insensitive so she held her groan and congratulated Clarissa.

"Awe I'm so happy for you, Rissa." Beyoncé smiled and Clarissa giggled.

"Ms. pretty?" Clarissa called out. Beyoncé looked at her letting her know she was ready for what she was about to say.

"Yes baby?" Beyoncé said.

"Why is you're stomach getting bigger?" She asked smiling brightly.

"Because I'm pregnant," Beyoncé said rubbing her stomach. She wasn't that big but she had on clothes that was more fitting for her.

"What's that?" Clarissa asked.

"It's when a baby is in your stomach," Beyoncé explained but Clarissa frowned. She really didn't understand at the moment.

"I was a baby once so does that mean I'm in your stomach?"

Beyoncé laughed and shook her head no.

"No this is my baby," Beyoncé said.

"So who's baby am I?" Clarissa asked. Beyoncé didn't know how to answer that. She knew Clarissa wanted to ask about her mother. She just didn't know how to.

"Rissa you want me to read the book today?" Beyoncé said changing the subject.

"Yes please," Clarissa answered and Beyoncé was relieved. She knew it was only a matter of time before She had to leave so she want to leave on a good note.

"What did you do today?" Shawn asked Beyoncé. They were eating a nice cooked meal that Beyoncé decided to make.

"Nothing important," Beyoncé replied putting a spoon full rice in her mouth. Moaning she couldn't help but be proud of herself. She'd done good cooking this simple meal pork chops smothered in gravy over rice. Their vegetable was a small garden salad with fresh cherrie tomatoes, and cumbers from her garden.

She was ecstatic about her growing garden. Although she was knew to gardening she was glad she had staff to help her out.

"You sure?" Shawn asked wondering if she was telling the truth. He could've sworn he saw her today at the hospital but he wasn't sure. He had only caught a glimpse of what he presumed was here.

"Of course I'm sure, why?" Beyoncé asked frowning. She hated to be question about somethings and her day was one.

Shawn sighed in relief that she had no idea of what he was talking about so he shrugged it off.

"No reason," he said before chuckling. "A man can't ask his wife about her day?"

Beyoncé looked at him and smiled.

"Of Course but only if you tell me about yours," Beyoncé countered and Shawn smiled before telling the things that happened during his day.

Beyoncé laughed at the crazy day he had and he soon asked her to tell him about hers. She told him about the garden and she remembered to leave her visit to the hospital out.

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