27- Real Love

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Shawn told Tyran everything that happened. Tyran looked at him in disbelief.

"You had one job." Tyran exclaimed.

"I already feel bad." He replied as he packed some of his stuff.

"As you should, all you had to do was be a husband."

"I tried," Shawn admitted.

"You didn't try hard enough."

"I didn't do any of that stuff Ty, I love Bey too much."

"I believe you but you have to look at it from her point of view. She's been giving you everything and you're just disrespectful. You act as if you can't open up to her but you told that other girl stuff without even knowing her. You try to keep her away from Claire yet you're fine with that other girl tutoring her. Plus you told Beyoncé Business to a another woman who set you up." Shawn thought about what he did.

He was so fucking screwed up it didn't make any sense. He was so scared to let Beyoncé in that he was hurting her instead.

"What should I do?"

"Figure it out on your own."

"Man I need your help."

"Nah you good. I swear you're the dumbest nigga I know. I give you the fucking answers to the test and you still choose the wrong one. I tell your ass it's A and you choose D. I told you be a husband. I told you to treat her right. I even told her to be patient with you and she was willing to. Even after all the other fuck ups she was willing. How much more should she take? Bey is honestly better than me because I would've dropped you off at a damn shelter, but I'm sure it's because she loves you."

"Nah man she doesn't love me anymore she told me that." Shawn replied. Tyran smacked his teeth and then hit Shawn and the back of the head.

"Bruh is that seriously all you heard?" Tyran asked angrily.


"Shawn fuck anything else! Beyoncé isn't Laura and I'm tired of you acting like she is. Bey would never do you dirty but I can't say the same for you. Get your shit together before you really lose a good woman thinking she's like the old one." Shawn heard what Tyran said and he could see the hurt in his friend's eyes m. It was obvious that Ty loved Bey.

"I don't know what to do Ty, honestly."

"Fight for her and dammit fight hard. Don't lose her because of your own selfish reasons. She's worth it you just have to see it and believe it. Know that she won't hurt you or Claire intentionally."

"I know that though."

"Then show it. Be her husband man, be her best friend, the man that she needs. Be the man She fell in love with. Just Be you but be a better you."

"Be a better me," Shawn mumbled to himself. He needed to know him first in order to be better. Tyran looked at Shawn and watched him for a moment.

He knew that Shawn was thinking on what he had told him. He just hoped that he would follow through.


A month later

Today was Beyoncé 7 month appointment. She was happy because she was so ready to get out of the bed. She had been there for the last month and it was aggravating.

She hated the fact that she was on bed rest. However, when doctor Mills reminded her of her appointment she literally jumped for joy. She couldn't wait to leave her bedroom.

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