25- Real Love

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Just so you know an hour after posting this Chapter my book will permanently be private. So if you are not following me you won't be able to read it. It has to be that way because of the issues I have on here. 🤷🏽‍♀️


"Bitch did you get anything today?" Aneima asked me as I walked into our apartment. Her head was down as she looked at a bunch of papers but when she finically looked up she rushed to me.

"Damn who did this to you?" Aneima asked as she examined my face.

"Beyoncé." I mumbled while rolling my eyes.

"Why would she do that? I Know she's mean but she doesn't have a violent bone in her body."

"I kissed her husband, I got the info you needed and basically threw it in her face."

"Oh shit you didn't mention me did you?" She asked I laughed bitterly.

"No I didn't mention you I just took the ass whooping and left."

"Damn I'm sorry best friend, but where is it?" she replied nonchalantly as if she was looking for something.

"Where's what?"

"The information?"

"Why do you want it so bad? I thought you were over Calvin?"

"I am but it's her fault he's dead. Had she just left him alone he wouldn't have been on that side of town."

"You know damn well he was messing with her. His friends betted him to do what he did and you aloud it. He was fucked up in the head and you knew it."

"That's not true, it was all cool until you realized he was trying to bank off her because his dad cut him off. You knew you would have to play second and that hurt you. You're mad at her for all the wrong reasons."

"She took him away from me," Aneima yelled.

"No she didn't Aneima." I replied and I felt a sting to my already swollen cheek.

"My life was ruined because of her she took him and then she fired me. She's going to regret everything she ever did. Give me what you have and leave." She said. I sighed and handed over the tape.

"I'm telling you it's not worth it." I said trying to convince her to just let it go.

"It's is to me."

"I was able to stop you from going into labor Bey but your pressure is extremely high. It was 190/96 and after running some test I'm sure you have pre-eclampsia." Robert told me.

I knew he was serious because he called me by my first name instead of last. He normally tries to keep it professional but I'm sure he was so concerned that he was pass that.

"What's that?" Shawn asked. I was in So much pain I opted out of speaking. I was angry anyway and I knew if I spoke my pressure would spike right back up. It was times like this I wish I would've stayed to myself.

"Pre-eclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in a woman whose blood pressure had been normal. It can lead to serious, even fatal, complications for both the mother and baby." He said as he focus his eyes upon mine. He sighed when I looked away from him.

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