19- Real Love

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Beyoncé walked into the morning coffee shop ready to order her usual. A egg and cheese croissant with a hot cup of coffee. She gleamed with happiness because the line was extremely short.

She wasn't in line a minute before it was her turn to order. The person taking her order was obviously new. She could see her sweaty palms a mile away. The young lady looked as if it was honestly her first day and she was scared.

Beyoncé politely smiled at the young lady making her sigh in relief.

"Good-d-d M-morning," the young girl said softly.

"Hi, how are you?" Beyoncé asked smiling.

"O-okay," she replied.

"Your first day?" Bey asked.

"Is it that obvious?" The young barista asked embarrassed. Beyoncé smiled sympathetically and encouraged her.

"Jessica right? It'll get better, starting with me." She said looking at her badge and Jessica smiled.

"Thanks," she replied.

"Your welcome,"

"Can we start over?" Jessica asked.

"Sure," Beyoncé said.

"Good Morning, welcome to Moonlight Coffee shop. How may I help you?" Beyoncé smiled brightly at how good Jessica had just did.

"I would like, an egg and cheese croissant toasted. With a medium Coffee add French vanilla and one sugar. "

"Okay will that be all?" She asked and Beyoncé shook her head yes.

"4:56 is your total and can I please have a name for this order?"

"Yes, its Beyoncé," she replied giving the woman her card.

"Thank you we'll get that ready for you." Jessica said.

"Okay thank you." She said. It wasn't long before her food was ready. As soon as she got it she prayed and started eating.

She was almost done when she heard some one clear their throat behind her.

"Must've been good," she heard a man say.

"Must've been good," she heard a man say

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