02- Real Love

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I looked around the hospital's Cafeteria for Beyoncé. I thought it was quite weird that of all places she would be here. Did she know me already? Was she stalking me? Has she seen my daughter? I asked myself all of these questions and I wouldn't know the answer until I met her.

There was so many people here and they were probably visiting their loved ones. I was probably the only one visiting a sick child though.

I'm not knocking anybody's sickness but just like them my love one is very important to me. I had been here only five minutes and so I wouldn't look suspicious I decided to go through the line.

I looked at the different things they had available and cringed I didn't like most of this stuff.

Chicken potpie, Cold cut sandwiches and Caesar salad. I picked the sandwich and made my way to the register. The lady smiled and greeted me before giving me my total.

"That will be 6.75 sir." I should've thought about this.

"For a sandwich? That's absurd! I didn't even get chips and a drink." The lady quickly frowned at me.

"I'm sorry sir that's just our prices for every entrée, I work here that's all I can't change the prices." She said to me and I calmed a little noticing that she was a little scared because of my outburst. I quickly dug into my back pocket and pulled my wallet out.

I opened it and notice I only had three dollars left dammit. I know for a fact that I wasn't going to get out of here without paying.

"Awe shit." I mumbled and she heard me.

"Is there a problem?" The lady asked.

"I uh-"

"Baby, don't tell me you left your card again!" I heard a women say behind me.


I turned around and saw this beautiful pregnant woman right behind me. Her belly wasn't huge but it was noticeable. She had to at least be three months. Her skin was free of make up and she looked to be in her early twenties. She was very attractive and she definitely had my attention. Her hands held a tray with a Caesar salad, chicken pot pie, some apple juice, a fruit salad and two chocolate chip cookies.

"You have to stop doing that Shawn," she said to me and I frowned. How the hell did she know my name?

"I'm sorry?" I questioned but she waved me off and began speaking to the lady.

"How much is it?" She asked her.

"22.36," the cafe lady replied.

"That's including mine too right?" The pregnant lady asked.

"Yes ma'am." The pregnant lady paid for our food and we walked away before I could be embarrassed anymore.

"Thank you," I mumbled to the pregnant woman and walked off to find a table. I didn't even give her a chance to talk before I was gone. I was here for a reason and I couldn't let her distract me.



I watched as he picked a table, before going over and setting my stuff down right in front of him. He looked up and frowned before sighing. He picked up his tray and moved to the table beside and I did the same.

"What do you want? I already said thank you!" I looked at him and I frowned. I wasn't trying to cry but I couldn't help it. My hormones were everywhere with this baby. Hell, I cried when a flower bloomed. But I was crying now because his yelling caught me off guard.

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