14- Real Love

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"It's a Boy," Dr. Mills said and Beyoncé's eyes water. She wasn't sad in fact she was very happy. She wanted a healthy baby and that's all she really asked for. She was thankful for the moment she was experiencing.

"Are you serious?" She asked in a voice filled with so much emotion.

"Yes, do you want to hear his heartbeat again?" Dr. Mills asked.

"Yes please," Beyoncé replied. "I'd love to."

"There you go," he said. Beyoncé gasped hearing her baby boys' heart through the monitor. It wasn't her first time hearing it but it felt like it.

It was the first time in days that she felt happy and she could barely contain it. When she got home she picked some vegetables from her garden and pulled out some T-Bone steaks.

She whipped up a good home cooked meal and waited for Shawn and Clarissa. It was Thursday so Beyoncé assumed that Claire had physical therapy and that's where they were.

Hearing the door bell ring she went to answer it.

"Hello Tyran, how are you?" Beyoncé asked happily. Tyran frowned not knowing what made her so happy.

"Hey?" Tyran found himself asking in a confused tone. He hadn't seen her in awhile but the last time he did she was crying about the mistake she made. He wouldn't front though because he was happy to see her.

Beyoncé opened her arms and pulled him in for a hug. She felt great and feeling the big bear hug he gave her made her feel even better. She didn't think her day could get any better than it always was.

"How have you been Tyran?" Beyoncé asked excitedly.

"Fine and yourself?" He asked.

"I'm great," She smiled happily.

"How my little nephew?" Tyran asked reaching out to touch her stomach. Beyoncé smiled as if she couldn't make her mouth go wider.

"He's really well, I got a chance to hear his heart again today. It's so strong I just can't wait to meet him.

"Yeah me either I'm going- wait Him?" Tyran asked shocked.

"Yes him, I'm having a boy!" She admitted and Tyran pulled her in for another hug.

"Stop playing Bey!"

"I'm not, I finally found out today and I couldn't be more happier." Beyoncé told him.

"Damn I'm happy to! A nephew! Oh he's going to be fresh as hell." Tyran announce.

"Oh Lord."

"Yes! Baby boy uncle Ty is going to babysit all the time. I'm going to take you to all the games. Me and Shawn go show you how to throw your first football. Wait until Shawn hears this." Tyran said excitedly.

"Hear what?" They heard and Beyoncé cringed. She hated that she wasn't prepared to face him. There he stood with A sleeping Claire in her wheelchair.

"Tell him Bey!" Tyran said jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store. Beyoncé giggled at his silliness.

"I'm-" she start but got interrupted by an excited Tyran.

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