12- Real Love

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"Hey Tyran, how are you?" Beyoncé said opening the door wide enough for him to come in. Tyran opened his arms for a hug and Beyoncé didn't hesitate.

She absolutely loved Tyran. He was the big brother she never had. He was very protective over her and she loved it. Even when she had her moments with Shawn Tyran had no problem taking up for her. She enjoyed his company and she knew Shawn wasn't to fond of that.

However she thought it was funny when Shawn got a little jealous over their new found friendship.

"I'm good sis, how you and my little nephew?" Tyran responded while quickly rubbing her stomach and walking by.

"Nephew? Who said it was a boy?" Beyoncé asked smiling a little.

"Please I know a boy when I see one, Mrs. Carter." Tyran replied and Beyoncé giggled.

"Whatever," She said playful rolling her eyes. "Me and my baby are fine."

"That's good to hear," he said.

"So what brings you by?" Beyoncé asked because she had no idea he was coming. When she spoke to Shawn he hadn't mentioned it so she was sure he didn't know either.

"Shawn told me about the library y'all were putting together for Claire and I wanted to stop by and help." Beyoncé looked at him and smiled. They needed all the help they could get. She want to hire somebody but She wanted it a certain way and Shawn was way more peculiar than her.

"Yes glad you're willing to help! Everything is up stairs but Shawn's in the kitchen." Beyoncé replied as she walked and waved her hand letting him know to follow her.

When she reached the kitchen she notice Shawn wasn't there. She frowned and decided to just show him where the room was.

When she reached the room they saw Shawn in the middle of the floor working. Beyoncé smiled weakly before clearing her throat and getting Shawn's attention.

"Shawn Ty is hear," she said and Shawn looked up.

"My man, what's good?" Shawn said dapping Tyran up.

"Nothing much bro, just came to help you out," he replied and Shawn couldn't be more pleased.

"You didn't have to Me and Bey got it," Shawn reassured him and Tyran waved him off.

"Naw man, I got you. Let Bey relax while we do the work."

"All we have is the books and table to set up."

"Well Bey go relax, take a nap I'll help Shawn finish."

"You sure?" Beyoncé asked. She was pretty tired but she was okay with helping because it was for Clarissa.

"Yeah, Shawn?"

"Yeah Bey you good, go ahead and relax and I'll join you later," he added and Beyoncé blushed.

"Alright, thank you for helping Ty."

"It's no problem, anytime," Tyran said winking and Beyoncé giggled before walking out.

"Hey man that's my wife!" Shawn said and Tyran laughed.

"And she's my sister in law."

"You better watch it!"

"Aye you know your wife is fine and you know she don't want my ass." Tyran laughed.

"Stop playing man. I don't appreciate you flirting with my wife." Shawn said seriously. Tyran stopped laughing because he could tell Shawn was taking it serious.

"Listen, your wife is fine but I definitely wouldn't do nothing. You my brother and she's my sister now. I'm just trying make her comfortable around me that all. I would never disrespect you nor her. She likes you a lot and I wouldn't ruin that."

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