32- Real Love

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"Babe please put some sock on before you catch a cold," Shawn said to his wife.

"Naw, I'm good." She said walking on to the tile floor of the kitchen.

Shawn was getting ready to cook her breakfast and Beyoncé had just got done pumping her breast. In the last two weeks she hadn't fed her baby through a bottle. She just felt more secure breastfeeding. The only reason she pumps was because her breast seemed to get really fully quickly.

When they were full they could be a pain and very sensitive. Sometimes milk would come out involuntarily and she hated that. She couldn't count on one hand how many blouses she's messed up because of her breast milk.

However, one thing she loved was her breast were more full because of the milk. Her hips were wider and her ass was thicker. She couldn't help but fond over her new shape.

Of course her stomach wasn't back to its usual size but she was okay with that. She didn't have a round stomach anymore but her stomach wasn't flat either.

"I didn't ask if you was good I said put some socks on. I don't want you getting sick from this cold floor. You just washed you hair and I know you, when you get sick it's not a simple cold it gets serious. If you're sick Corey will catch it through your breastfeeding and he'll be sick too." Shawn said sternly.

Beyoncé rolled her eye because she hated when he was right.

"Okay," she finally replied and Shawn was happy she didn't put up a fight.


"Is Corey up yet?" Clarissa asked annoyed. She wasn't enjoying her time as a big sister because she felt like she wasn't doing anything to help.

"No sweetie, he's still sleeping." Beyoncé told her sweetly.

"That's all he does, when will he be up?" Claire asked and Beyoncé could sense her attitude. In any other circumstance she probably would have said something but she didn't.

Claire didn't understand the concept of what babies do. So she took that moment to explain it to her.

"It will probably be a while before he wakes up Claire. He's only 2 weeks old so all he knows how to do is eat and sleep. He's to young to do anything else right now."

"Why?" She asked and Beyoncé didn't really know how to answer that but she didn't leave her without an answer.

"Because God made it that way," she replied and Claire seemed to leave it at that.

Beyoncé held the baby in her arms as he slept and looked at Claire for a moment.

"Would you like to hold him?" Beyoncé asked. Claire smiled and nodded her head. She was in her wheelchair and the wheels were locked so Beyoncé didn't have to worry about anything happening.

"Here, hold his head," Beyoncé said giving her the baby. She helped Claire hold him correctly so nothing would happen.

"Hey Corey, it's me again. You're sister. I wish you would wake up and play with me but mommy says you can't cause your to small. I can't wait for you to get bigger so we can play and I can protect you. I love Corey please grow up fast." She said and Beyoncé admired the both of them.


Nightly cries weren't Beyonce's favorite. Corey woke up every 3 to four hours all day everyday, and nights as well. He was either hungry, bored, needed to be changed or sleepy.

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