10- Real Love

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Have you ever felt so full you just didn't know how do explain it. Have you ever wondered what happened after a persons first time. Have you ever experienced a second time as if it were your first? Have you ever wondered what tomorrow would bring? Was the thought of the future beautiful or a nightmare?

What happened in those moment that you declared take me in your arms? What happened in those moments you said yes? Was it Beautiful or was it a nightmare.

Did the kisses last all night? Did he hold you to make you feel alright? Did he last longer than you're use to? Did his strokes make you think of heaven? Did your eyes roll back when you came. Did your body shake or was it tamed? Was is Beautiful or was it a nightmare.

For Beyoncé it was beautiful. She had never experienced such. Every stroke and every kiss. Every hug and every tug it was beautiful.

The perfect word to describe it was Beautiful. He was gently and understanding. He didn't hurt her but he filled her it was hard to explain but it was beautiful.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked interrupting her thoughts. They weren't facing each other so he couldn't see her facial expressions.

She smiled a little thinking about the events that had happened. Of course she was okay. She was actually better than okay.

"Yes," she said before turning around so she could see him. His face didn't read much so she only hoped he was okay as well. She adjusted the covers so her body wouldn't be exposed and focused her attention on him.

"Are you okay?" She whispered looking into his eyes. He half smiled and kissed her forehead before answering her.

"Yes," he told her and she smiled as well. The silence that field them didn't bother them at all. It wasn't uncomfortable it was quite soothing. It was something Beyonce could see herself doing for the rest of her life.

Shawn woke feeling differently. It was a feeling that he'd never felt before. He felt completed. Which was weird. It was New for him because he hadn't ever felt this in his life.

Looking down at his wife he wondered was she the reason he felt this way. She couldn't be, they barely even knew each other. It wasn't rocket science.

Looking at her he smiled. She was even more Beautiful when she slept. He could watch her but he want to see her beautiful eyes. He knew she was tired after last night but he also knew they slept very well too.

Kissing her check he waited for her to move a little but she didn't. He then kissed her lips. She moaned and groaned but she still didn't wake up.

So he did what he had to do. He kissed all down her naked body until he reach her woman hood. Opening her legs he placed them atop his shoulders. He held her by her waist and began to feast.

The feeling of his tongue dancing inside her woke her up immediately. If was feeling of glory. Beyoncé arched her back as his tongue swirled in her. She reached for his head only for him to move her hands.

She didn't know what to do so she grabbed the sheets and tried to control her breathing. Feeling the burning at the pit of her stomach she just knew she was about to cum.

"Shawn," she moaned as her legs began to shake violently. He continued to work his magic even after she'd climax. Just when she thought she was about to cum again he stopped. He began kissing up her body and she moaned.

"Shit Bey," Shawn mumbled before kissing her growing belly. "You taste so good."

"Mmmmm," Beyoncé moaned feeling the tip of Shawn's manhood against her opening.

"You want it?" He asked her before kissing both her nipples. Beyoncé shook her head yes. She wanted it all over again.

"I can't hear you?" Shawn said before kissing her lips and pushing the tip in just a little. Beyoncé tore her tips from his.

"Mmm, Shawn I-I W-Want I-It" she said in a staggered breath.

"And you can have it," he said pushing fully in.

"Shit," Beyoncé moaned feeling him all the way in.

Shawn moan at the feels of her walls tightening around him.

"Fuck, Bey. You feel so good," he grunted. Beyoncé wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in.

"Faster,"she moaned and he obliged. "Deeper," she moaned more and he went all the way. There was not another that's could satisfy them the way they were doing each other in that moment.

It was a connection that was rare.

"Fuck," Beyoncé hissed feeling her walls tighten. She knew she was about to cum. Using her inner muscles she held held Shawn in her.

"Oh shit," Shawn grunted feeling her walled clench his manhood. It was enough to send him over the edge. Shooting his seed in her was all he remembered after he felt her cum on his manhood full force.

"Can I be honest with you?" Beyoncé asked. The time was 11 and they were eating breakfast. They had been asleep on and off.

"Of course," Shawn said half smiling. Beyoncé thought for a moment was she really ready to open up?

"Y-," Beyoncé tried to talk but she thought. She wasn't ready. She liked Shawn but she wasn't so much in liking him that she need to share a piece of herself. She couldn't do that just yet.

Sighing she looked away from him.

"Never mind," she said and he frowned.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked because she was no longer in a happy mood. She was now down and he could see the wall forming. She was trying to shut him out.

"Nothing," Beyoncé mumbled before removing herself from the table. She didn't want to be bothered anymore she just wanted to get her thoughts together.

"Okay," he said realizing she wasn't in good mood at all. He didn't understand what happened but he wasn't going to push it.

"Bey," Shawn said pulling her out of thoughts.


"Did I do something wrong?" He asked her and she shook her head no. It was just one of those things she didn't wAnt to explain. She always found herself in deep thought.

"No," she mumbled in response. He shook his head and his decided to leave. Beyoncé sighed because she didn't know how to express herself. She was so upset with herself in that moment.

It was so many things that could've been prevented. The sex, the lies, and a lot more. She hated to say it but she was falling for a man she didn't know.

And it was scaring this shit out of her.


Thanks For Reading!

I know it's short but Issa update. This will probably be the shortest chapter in this one though!

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Drama soon🙃

Until next Time!

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