30- Real Love

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Shawn looked at his wife as he watched her toss the salad. He was more than aggravated with her. He wanted her as comfortable as possible but she made an effort to be the complete opposite.

"Babe could you please sit down," Shawn begged and Beyoncé found herself rolling her eyes. She hated to be treated as if she couldn't do anything. Shawn was always cautious now and it got worse each and every week.

"Shawn I'm fine, I'm just tossing the salad," Beyoncé explained and Shawn groaned. She was so hardheaded and he absolutely hated that.

"Your feet are swelling and you know you're going to complain later."

"Okay but I can always get a foot rub too. You know how much this means to Tyran I just want- woah," she said mid sentence feeling herself get a little dizzy.

"Bey you good," Shawn asked seeing her become a little unbalanced.

"No I think I need to sit down," she suggested for her self. Shawn knew one of her dizzy spells had occurred and he shook his head in disappointment.

"Let me get you some water and a cool towel. He knew she was going to be really hot real soon, considering this was a routine he was use to it.

"Beyoncé shook her head, letting him know she'd heard him and Shawn went to go get the items. When he came back he saw her fanning herself. Of course like he suspected she was hot.

"Here," He said giving her the bottle of water. She immediately opened it and began drinking. Shawn placed the cool towel around her neck.

"Thank you baby," Beyoncé graciously replied and puckered her lips indicating she wanted a kiss. Shawn smiled and gave her the kiss she wanted.

"You're welcome but don't do that again or I won't help you," he playfully replied.

"You know you will so hush, and finish this meal. I think I need a nap." She yawned.

"Okay, well go and I'll wake you before Ty comes over."




Dinner was almost done so I figured I would wake Beyoncé up. Paula had called 15 minutes ago letting me know that she and Claire where on their way home.

Because of the dinner Paula took Claire to her therapy session while me and Beyoncé were suppose to prepare. However, we all know what happened.

Beyoncé had been knocked out every since and I hadn't heard a word. This pregnancy really had her extremely tired and sometimes it was good but other time it wasn't. When Beyoncé is cranky she can be very grumpy and I don't like her grumpy side.

Walking in to her room I looked around and didn't see her. I check her restroom and no signs. I went to Claire room and did the same thing and I didn't see her. I frowned wondering where she was. As I walk down the hall I heard snoring, damn she was sleeping good. Pushing the door open I saw her in the room I use to call mine. She was in middle hugging the pillow in her robe. That meant she had showered before taking her nap that was a good choice. I smiled seeing her, she looked peaceful to bad I was going to wake her up.

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