33- Real Love

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Two Weeks Later


I searched around frantically for a paper I knew should've been faxed months ago. It wasn't in my office but then I remembered I had Shawn look over it.

I snapped my fingers remembering that I laid it on the filing cabinet in his office. Hopefully, it was still there. I went in and immediately went for the cabinet but I didn't see it.

"Shit," I mumbled looking at his messy desk. I tried to look for it but I didn't see it. As I pushed things aside a paper caught my eye.

I read over it and couldn't believe what I was reading. I was angry, I was furious, I was hurt. Why would he hide this from me.

I folded the paper and made a mental note to call some people. It would be the last time he fucked me over.



I smiled at the paper I was signing, I was now debt free and I was happy about it. It was amazing How things worked out and I couldn't believe.

If somebody had told me a couple of days ago I'd be debt free I would have told them they were lying.

It was honestly a miracle. About two weeks ago a woman had shown up to my business changing everything.


"Hi, by any chance is Mr. Carter here?" A lady looking to be in her late 60's asked.

"Sure may I tell him who's here?" A worker asked frowning.

"Yes my name is Susan Johnson." She replied.

The worker went to tell Shawn the name and he frowned he had no idea who that was. The name didn't resonate in his mind.

"Tell her I'm busy," he said not because he wanted to lie more so because he had to get these shipments out if he intended to make money.

"Mr. Carter, she says she's not leaving until she talks to you," his worker said.

"Okay send her to my office," he said. He didn't know why the woman was here but he needed her up and out so he could handle his business.

Shawn sighed as he walk into the room. He extended his hand and the lady took it.

"Hi, Mr. Carter how are you today." She said.

"I'm fine just wonder why you're here. I'm not trying to be rude but I have work to do." He bluntly explained.

"I'm sure and I apologize, I'm sure you don't know me but you're very familiar with my daughter." She said.

"You're daughter? Who's your daughter?" Shawn asked still not knowing who she was.

"Laura Johnson, or should I say Carter since you guys are married," she said. Shawn looked at the woman for a moment.

"Laura said her parents gave her up for adoption. She was in foster care until she was 18."

"Laura has always been quite the story teller."

"What do you mean?"

"Laura had a good life until she went off to college and started doing drugs. Me and her father Chandler found out and we cut her off. She had become something we didn't know. She lied and stole from us all for the love of drugs." Shawn quite understood what the woman had went through but he still didn't understand why she was here.

Real Love (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now