06- Real Love

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Waking up I didn't feel as though I was in my bed. Don't get me wrong the bed was comfortable but it wasn't mine. I opened my eyes and did my morning stretch and realized I was in the room that Shawn was suppose to be in. I rolled my eyes and sighed in aggravation.

It was already bad enough that He didn't come home for dinner. Now he basically saying that he did want my room. Well forget that, I want my damn room.

I huffed and rolled out of bed. I didn't have time to dwell on him today. I have things to do. Of course I was upset about yesterday because I waisted my time but now I know not to do that anymore.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to my room because I had to relieved my bladder. Shawn should be working today so he was for sure gone by now. I was just going to take a shower afterwards so there was no point in grabbing a bunch of things if I just went to my room.

It didn't take long for me to handle my morning routine. As I walked out of the restroom I was scared half to death by Shawn. Grabbing my chest I screamed and held on to my towel.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled. I knew for sure he was suppose to be at work.

"I over slept," he said in a panicked tone.

"Damn you scared me," I mumbled still holding my chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to," he said softly

"It's okay," I said before walking into my closet. I figure we were done talking so I decided to look for something to put on. It took longer that it normally would because I'm pregnant so I didn't expect him to still be there when I finished.

"Do you need something?" I asked a little annoyed.

"I wanted to apologize for not making it back in time. Clare was having a bad day and I didn't think it would take me long but it did." Well great now I felt like and asshole for talking shit.

"I said it was okay. I understand you have priorities and I accepted that when I had to marry you." I really did feel bad. He was just doing his fatherly duties. Thank God I didn't show my ass though.

"Thanks but I promise I'll be here for dinner tonight. I'll visit Clarissa during lunch today and I'll spend the night."

"Okay what time is your lunch?" I asked him because I had something to do.

"I'll take it now since I'm late," he said and I nodded my head.

"Well let me make you a quick lunch so you can be on your way."

"No I'm good. I can't eat and drive." Beyoncé Frowned.

"I'm not asking you to. One of my drivers can take you."

"Oh no I can't ask you to do that."

"You're not I'offering."

"No I'm good. I'll just eat here and then leave."
"Okay give me ten minutes at the most." Beyoncé said and ten minutes was all she took. She made him a fresh fruit salad and cranberry Chicken salad sandwich.

The chicken salad was already made so it was the fruit salad that took the most time. Sitting the food in front of him Shawn frowned. He was use to noodles and hotdogs so this was totally different for him.

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