18- Real Love

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I see why Bey has a personal garden. This grocery shopping shit is hard. Bey is basically a guru when it comes to eating healthy. She loves her fruit and vegetables. Meat to her was an option but she definitely could live without it.

Me on the other hand I love my hotdogs and wings. They filled me up even though they weren't a healthy choice. They are the best choice for Claire and me.

Speaking of I looked down as I pushed her chair to see if she was okay.

"You want anything?" I asked her and she shook her head no. It was rare for her but that only meant she was too tired.

"No cookies?" I asked just to make sure.

"No sir," she replied sleepily. I knew we probably needed to go then. We had been in here going on an hour and I'm pretty sure Bey was probably wondering where I was.

I'm actually surprised she hadn't called me by now. Pulling out my phone I dialed her cell phone and I didn't receive an answer. So next I called the house and the same thing happened. I assumed she was taking a nap so I left a message.

"Hey Bey, I'll be home soon. I'm about to check out at the store and I'll be there. Alright lo- see you later." I said catching myself.

Whew that was a close one.


It's took longer than usual because I had to drop Clair off at Tyran's. He wanted to keep her tonight because he hadn't spent much time with her since she had been out the hospital.

I figured it would be okay since me and Bey hadn't had much alone time in awhile. I unloaded the range and filled the kitchen with the bags from the store.

I stacked the fridge for a while so Bey didn't need Togo shopping for awhile. That's the one thing I loved about grocery shopping. Bey has a special card for it so I never had to worry about much. Now if I used my card then we'd be in a shit load of trouble.

I use to have a problem using the card but she said it was for her too. So it made it easier for me. Honestly, sometimes I still have issues if I'm just going to the store for me. It has to be for all of us.

I put the food up in the fridge and cabinets before leaving the food I would cook out. I closed the fringe door and cabinets. I looked around making sure I didn't leave anything.

Just as I was about to walk up the steps, I remembered I left the garage open. I went to close it making sure again that everything was good. Everything was so I decided to go up the steps.

I had a long day so I wanted to take a shower before I started cooking. But I needed to check on Bey. I knocked on her door and didn't receive and answer so I figure She was sleep.

By far Beyoncé could be the crankiest person alive if you woke her so I was going to pass. I walked into my room and removed my clothes. I took a quick shower and cooked dinner before I actually went back to Bey's room to wake her. It was weird walking into her room. The bed was made and it looked as if she was still in the restroom.

I looked at the clock on her nightstand and then around the room. Everything was still in place since I left to go to the store so I was a little scared. The clock read 7:05 and I panicked.

"Bey" I called out and I received no answer. I approached the door and it was locked so I began banging and I still didn't get and answer. That scared me even more so I did what I had to do I burst the door down.

As soon as I was in I saw Bey in the tub looking unresponsive. I picked her up and she opened her eyes.

"Bey, are you okay?" I asked as she shivered in my arms? She didn't say a word she just looked at me with tears in her eyes.

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