17- Real Love

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Gosh how could I be so stupid? I wondered as I continued to walk. I could easily turn around but my curiosity got the best of me. When I reached the bottom of the steps I saw....


When I reached the bottom of the steps I saw nothing. It was dark and I was confused. Who invites somebody to come down stairs for nothing. I rolled my eyes and was about to turn around until I heard Shawn's voice.

"Hey, where you going off to?" He asked me.

"My room," I simply replied turning to look him in the eye.

"Not so fast come on." Shawn said reaching out and pulling me by my waist. I blushed a little at the gesture. I couldn't believe I did that either.

"What are you doing?" I asked him and he smiled brightly.

"Just come on," he said and I followed directions. He pulled me into the kitchen and I immediately started crying.

"Daddy! I thought you said she would like it." Claire said getting ready to scold Shawn. I laughed lightly at her sassy little attitude.

"I do but what's this for?" I asked looking at the dinner set up. It's was four candles, three were lit. With 4 table setting, three plates with food and one empty. I frowned because it was odd.

"It's for our family. I want to apologize for being a jerk Bey. I shouldn't have treated you that way at all. You did something for Claire that her own mother didn't do. You built a relationship and you're willing to keep building. Clair loves you and she expressed her feelings to me and I don't want to hurt my baby girl. I want to try this." He said.

"What exactly is this?" I asked.

"This family thing. I want you to be around my daughter. " He said and I smiled a little. I could tell Shawn didn't know what to do and I didn't either.

I mean his form was cute and all but what about us? What did he want for me and him? Did he want me at all or was I just his fuck buddy?



"What do you say?" He asked happily.

On my gosh! I'm Pretty sure he couldn't tell how aggravated I was. I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his daughter so I bit my lip holding in my verbal response. I feared that if I spoke it was definitely be my mind.

"Mhmm," I agreed and he pulled me to him and gently kissed my lips. I didn't kiss him back and I'm pretty sure he didn't even catch that.


"You hungry?" He asked.

"Yeah what are we having?"

"Steak, Baked potatoes and some Squash," he said.

"Oh wow."


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