38- Real Love

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Shawn called Beyoncé yet again and it just rung before going to voicemail. Claire wanted to see her after school and she wasn't answering. He knew she was avoiding him because of Janis.

They had nothing going on honestly. She had just came to apologize and tell him that Aneima had put her up to the whole fiasco. He understood why she was ignoring him and it was because of the history.

He would feel hurt if Bey had went to talk to somebody he had a problem with as well. However, Janis had come to him, he didn't go to her.

Ty said she was coming to talk to him and see if they could work things out. Shawn wasn't opposed to it, he loved her but he didn't see anything happening unless she learned to trust him.

He needed her to trust him. Right now he figured she was just try to wrap her mind around the situation so he would give her the benefit of doubt.

His phone rang knocking him out of his thought. Without looking at the caller ID he answered.

"Hey, Shawn its Nicki."

"Hey what's up?" He said.

"Nothing much have you talked to Beyoncé lately?"

"No why what's going on?"

"I'm not sure I've been calling her all day and she hasn't answered. I know she took today off to finish her shopping for Claire's party but she hasn't been answering her phone and Paula said she's been gone all day. She has the baby so I know she's not at work."

"Maybe she just doesn't want to talk," he suggested.

"Yeah I thought about that but she missed her therapy session with Dr. Union and her doctors appointment with meek. " Nicki told him and he was shocked he didn't know she was taking therapy.

That was why she hadn't completely gone off in his building about Janis because the Beyoncé he knew would've tore into his ass and asked questions later. But she didn't she just completely ran away.

"Uh well I'm not sure because she didn't answer my calls at all but give me a moment and I'll call you back." He said before hanging up.

He quickly dialed the house phone and Paula picked up.


"Hey Paula, have you heard anything from Beyoncé?"

"No sir she left some hours ago to finish Birthday shopping for Claire."

"Did she say where she was going?"

"She's suppose-" Paula started but she heard a beep on the phone.

"Hold on sir-" she said.

"Hello?" Paula said.

"Hi is Mr. Carter there?"

"No but he's on the other line may I ask who's speaking?"

"Yes It's Doctor Lucas from St. Mary's hospital."

"Hold on sir let me connect you!" Paula panicked hearing that but she was able to connect the call.

"Shawn I have a Doctor Lucas on here from St. Mary's." She said.

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