16- Real Love

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The ride home was deadly quiet. The air that blew out into the car was cold enough to make Beyoncé shiver. The thoughts of today's events had her on edge. She was beyond the crying stages she was now angry.

Aneima put her completely in her feelings and she didn't know how to get out of them. She had brought up things that Beyoncé wasn't yet ready to talk about.

These days she rarely thought about her child's father, however Aneima had her doing just that. When she brought up Calvin she wanted to pop the bitch right in her mouth but she couldn't.

Being the boss she had to make boss moves. Which meant that she would probably hear from he board about the release of Aneima. Regardless of Aneima's messy ways she was an excellent teacher. Plus the board could argue that it's the first of many days of school. Now wouldn't be the best time to release her.

"Damn," Beyoncé mumble catching Shawn's attention. They were in traffic and had awhile before they would make it home because of it.

"What's wrong you left something?" Shawn asked concerned. He was trying to be supportive more so because he knew he hurt her. So anything he could do he would. If he needed to turn the car around he would.

"No, mind your business," Beyoncé mumbled.

Shawn sighed and decided to keep his mouth closed. He knew he was already on her bad side so he didn't want to dig a deeper hole for himself.

An hour later they pulled up to the house. By this time Beyoncé had fallen asleep. The traffic had took awhile and not being entertained became boring. She didn't want to talk to Shawn nor did she want to look at his ass she wanted peace and quiet.

However, the peace and quiet made her drowsy so she ended up taking a nap.

"Bey, wake up." Shawn said tapping her and she immediately woke up. She was a light sleeper so it wouldn't take her long anyway.

When she fully opened her eye, she glared at him.

"Don't touch me," she said with an attitude and once again he sighed. He knew she was upset but damn she had taken her anger to another level.

"I'm sorry," Shawn mumbled as Beyoncé began to chuckle bitterly.

"That you are. Move," she said angrily. Shawn did move without any argument but he wasn't far. When she emerged from the car her closed the door. She looked at him and rolled her eyes.

He quickly walked in front of Beyoncé beating her to the door so he could open it for her. Again, she rolled her eyes at his attempt. She had absolutely nothing for him. She stepped into the house and instantly froze. She smelt food coming from her kitchen if Shawn was behind her who was in her kitchen?

She quickly walk to the kitchen and saw a lady pulling out some cookies.

"You think your daddy will like these?" She heard.

"Nope, but Ms. Pwetty will!" Claire voiced boomed loud enough for her to here. Beyonce's heart melted at The words of Claire she absolutely loved that little girl.

The lady rolled her eyes and placed the tray of cookies on top of the stove.

"What's so special about Ms. Pretty?" The lady asked. Beyonce's ears perked up because she heard pure jealousy in the lady's voice. She also notice she was the woman who was suppose to homeschool Claire. Ms. Thomas had some nerve.

"She's the best! She visited me when I was sick and she loves me."

"What about me?" The lady asked. Beyoncé wanted to snatch her right up. She had been around Claire all of two months and she had some nerve.

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