26- Real Love

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"Mommy I misseded you a lot," Claire said as she laid in the bed with Beyoncé. Beyoncé smiled still in awe that she was calling her mommy. It completely melted her heart and made her more attached.

"I missed you more baby," Beyoncé genuinely admitted. Claire's eyes gleamed with happiness as she look into Beyoncé eyes.

"No I misseded you more," Claire giggled.

"Really?" Beyoncé asked.


"How much?"

"A lot mommy!" Claire said reaching up to play with Beyonce's hair. Beyoncé laughed at Claire's response and lifted up just a little so Claire could play in her hair. They both had their own little conversation until Nicki interrupted them by clearing her throat.

"Did you forget about me?" Nicki chuckled.

"Honestly yeah I'm sorry. Claire this is my best friend Nicki. She's like my sister."

"She's my TT?" Claire asked and they women both laughed.

"I'm whatever you want me to be little lady," Nicki said making Claire blush.

Beyoncé giggle when Claire hid her face in the crook of her neck. Acting as if she was shy.

"Awe," Nicki said admiring the way they interacted. She always wanted a little girl but Robert worked a lot and she does too. She didn't want to have a baby just for her to turn around and not have time for him or her.

"She's pretty, like you mommy." Claire tried to whisper. However, she wasn't whispering at all. Nicki heard her and started to chuckle.

"Thank you," Nicki replied and Claire turned to look at her with wide eyes. She thought she was quiet but she wasn't. Claire smiled embarrassingly and face palmed herself.

"Baby, it's okay she's nice like me too." Beyoncé said removed her hand from her face. Claire still smiled and tried to hide her face.

"Can she be my TT?" Claire asked Beyoncé happily.

"I'm sure she can but you have to ask her your self." Beyoncé told her. Claire nodded her head and Beyoncé helped her turn all the way over.

Claire played with her fingers as she looked at Nicki.

"Can you be my TT?" Claire asked Nicki and she smiled.

"Yeah only if you let me take you to get ice cream!" Nicki said and Claire gasped in excitement.

"Mommy! TT taking me to get ice cream!" She announce.

"I heard, the question is when?" Beyoncé asked and just as Nicki was about to answer somebody spoke for her.

"Now is fine," Shawn said in the doorway. Beyoncé rolled her eyes at the sound of his voice. He always seemed to show up when she didn't want to see him.

"I uh don't-"

"I just want to talk to her," Shawn said to Nicki as if he didn't see Bey.

"I don't want to talk to you," Beyoncé said being direct. Shawn sighed because he needed her to hear him out.

"Please..." he said looking at Nicki with pleading eyes and she excepted with out a thought."

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