24- Real Love

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I took the day off because Claire has a stomach virus. I really can't afford days off right now with the business failing the way it is. It was aggravating because I need to catch the problem but I had to prove the problem first.

I sighed wondering what I was going to do. I'm pretty sure my company would be closing soon but at this point I couldn't save it if my daughter was sick. Damn I wish I knew when Bey was coming back.

The doorbell ringing knocked me right out of my thoughts. Opening the door I saw Ms. Thomas. I honestly forgot that she was coming today. I've been so wrapped up in Claire being sick that I didn't think to call her and let her know not to come.

"Awe damn I'm sorry, nows
not a good time. Claire is sick and Beyoncé isn't here-"

"Oh is she okay?" She interrupted me. I could tell she was concerned by the urgency in her voice.

"Not really she has a stomach virus. It's coming from both ends and it's hard because she has a fever too."

"Do you need help? I mean I can help since I'm here already."

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Claire is very funny when she's sick and I don't want you to get your feelings hurt."

"It's no big deal, I was suppose to be here anyway so I might as well help. Didn't you say Ms. Knowles wasn't here anyway?" She said and I slightly frowned at the mention of Beyoncé's maiden name.

"No Mrs. Carter isn't here but I don't know if it's a good idea." I said correcting before telling her how I really felt.


"Mr. Carter," I interrupted.

"Mr. Carter," she said clearing her throat before talking again. "I'm sure Mrs. Kn-Carter won't mind. Plus I've had it before I know just how to help."


"Yes," she said and I opened her door fully for her to come in. She sighed relieved that she was in and that kind of caught my attention.

"You sound relieved that I didn't turn you away?" I questioned and she shook her head yes.

"Of course my boyfriend has my Car today so he dropped me off. I would've hated to have to call him and tell him to come back and get me." She explained. It sounded reasonable but it didn't sound truthful.

"Okay well Claire is upstairs, you know where her room is." I informed.

"Okay," she smiled looking into my eyes.

"I'll be up there in a minute," I told her.

"Okay I can't wait." She replied and I frowned.

"Huh?" I asked and she looked at me.

"What?" She said back confused.

"You said you can't wait? Wait for what?" I asked raising and eyebrow.

"Oh no," she chuckled. "I think you misunderstood me. I said I haven't ate." She smiled and I looked at her like she was crazy. I'm pretty sure my hearing is fine but I had no time to argue. I needed help with Claire and with Beyoncé being gone. She was going to have to stay.

Real Love (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now