05- Real Love

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I felt a little moisture in between my legs as his tongue shuffled in my mouth. Damn his kiss was so tantalizing I felt as if I was about to lose my everlasting mind. I moaned into the kiss not giving a care in the world.

However, he did. Hearing my pleasure-filled moan Shawn pulled away. What the fuck? I thought scrunching up my face.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that," he told me scratching the back of his neck, looking away from me. I couldn't really speak because I was angry, sad, exited, horny and disappointed all in one. How could he kiss me like that and not mean it?

Instead of actually verbalizing my disappointment, I just nodded my head. It was the best thing to do considering I didn't know what would come out. He looked at me, as if he wanted to say something else about what had transpired but he didn't instead he spoke on the room situation.

"I like the room you decorate for me, that's the room I want." He said lowly.

"Okay," I said blankly. I was kind of agitated and I didn't want to look at him right now. My hormones were raging and if truth be told I wanted to fuck the shit out of him but I couldn't. That wasn't apart of the deal.

"Are you okay?" He asked me with a frown.

"Yeah I just need to get started on dinner that's all." I said getting ready to walk away. I need to leave before I made a fool of myself.

"I hope you're not cooking for me? I'm the house guess you should let me help around here."

"No you're my husband and there's a difference." I reminded him and he chuckle lightly.

"It won't be a long marriage so let me just help you while I can, okay?" He said and I can't lie it stung a little. Hearing him remind me of the agreement kinda hit my feelings. We came up with a two year agreement so we wouldn't have to be stuck in this loveless marriage. The contracts were signed before we got married so there wouldn't be any problems but if he kept reminding me there would be a problem.

I sighed as I listened to his statement and shook my head no. My body tense a little and I became uncomfortable.

"I'm good, tonight's dish will be T-bone steak, asparagus, and loaded baked potatoes." I fake smiled.

"Are you sure?" He said and I looked down at my watch and glance at him.

"Yeah it's 5:10 now, so dinner will be ready at 7:00 P.M."

"Okay I'll go visit my daughter for the time being," he replied.

"Okay, just take the range since you said you were about to run out of gas earlier." I replied dryly because I was still thinking about what he said.

"The Range?" He frowned not even noticing my attitude.

"Yeah Range Rover," I said narrowing my eyes. He look at me confused and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll tell Paul to pull it up front."

"Who's paul?" Shawn asked me as if to be protective.

"She's somebody who helps me. She's a cool lady, her name is Paula but she prefers Paul." I said and he calmed a little.

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