15- Real Love

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As promised Shawn kept his word. He came right back for lunch and boy was I ecstatic. He had brought some Chipotle. A chicken bowl with every topping they have to offer. We were sitting at my desk enjoying a comfortable silence.

My office door was closed as we ate. I didn't want anybody to hear any words if we decided to go back and forth.

It was my first time eating Chipotle and I really enjoyed it. I don't eat out and when I did I tried to stick with Panera Bread. It was a healthy choice and I could always trust my food to be made the same every single time.

I'm pretty sure the time Shawn had been living with me he knew that. I wasn't going to get in his ass about it though because I was hungry as hell and I was definitely enjoying my food. There was no reason to complain.

"You like it?" Shawn asked and I nodded my head. I wish I could be like him sometimes. Rude and not give a shit ya know?

He always has me crying but for some reason but I can't do that for him. He don't care for my feelings so why should I still care for his.

"Good I didn't know if you would. I know you don't really eat fast food." Shawn said. I didn't respond to that because there was no point.

"How's your day been so far?" He asked trying to make conversation. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. Not because I was having a good or bad day but simply because I didn't want to.

He was so rude to me before, I felt like there was no need for him to try to talk to me.

"Cut the bullshit no one is around," I replied dryly. Shawn sighed at my reply. I'm not sure if he had an attitude or not but he had to reason to.

"I don't care about people being around. I can't show my wife affection?" He asked me and I looked at him confused.

"Wife? Affection? Pshh, you not trying to do none of that." I said to him and he looked at me.

"You're still mad." He said stating the obvious.

"Should I not be?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow.

"That's not what I mean," he frustratingly stated.

"Then what do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't be made but it's been two months. You should at least forgive me." He explained and I rolled my eyes. Why should I forgive him when he did the same thing to me. So he can be mad but I can't.

Hell no he absolutely has me fucked up. Why the hell would he think the way he talked to me was okay. He was pissed that I went to visit Claire but he basically call my baby a bastard and asked why he should care?

He even talked about us sleeping together and it not being nothing . Why should I even think about forgiving him.

"You not only disrespect me but you did it intentionally. I told you I loved you and You said 'hOW? wE OnLy FuCkEd'. I was starting to open up but now I don't even want to deal with you." I told him truthfully.

"Bey I'm sorry, I overreacted." He said softly and I chuckled.

"I hear you but I don't want to hear it. It took you this long to apologize? You're a fucking joke," I said getting up from my desk.

He immediately grabbed my hand preventing me from moving and he walk around the desk to where I was.

"I'm sorry okay? I was a jerk and I shouldn't have been. I was hurt that you went behind my back and built a relationship with Claire." He briefly said before taking a breath. He then sat in my chair and pulled me down on to his lap.

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