08- Real Love

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When Beyoncé woke up the next morning. She smelled something. It was unusual because she never woke up to the smell of food. No matter how many workers she paid she never paid anyone to cook her meals for her.

Getting out of bed she went to the restroom to handle her business. She took a shower, emptied her bladder, washed her face and brushed her teeth. When she emerged from the restroom she saw Shawn standing beside her bed waiting on her.

Tightening her robe she frowned. Why was he in here and what did he want.

"Good morning," he smiled. Beyoncé looked at him confused but she didn't want to be rude.

"Good morning," Beyoncé replied with a frown.

"I know I'm suppose to be at work but I just thought that maybe we could have breakfast together." Shawn suggested.

Of course Beyoncé was hungry. She was pregnant so food was something she adored. She smiled but quickly remembered what happened last night.

"Uh I don't think that's a good idea," she said as she bypassed him.

"Why not?" He asked her and she simply ignored him. She had nothing to say to him honestly. He had been a jerk to her and she didn't like that one bit.

"Beyoncé," he said again but he received no answer. Beyoncé sat down on her bed and began to look through her night stand for her lotion.

She didn't want him to see her body but she was hot in her robe.

"What Shawn?" She asked as she began to fan herself.

"I sorry okay. I just want to make things better between us."

"Things are fine," Beyoncé replied rolling her eyes.

"No there not and you know it. I can admit when I'm wrong but you have to let me. I shouldn't have said what I said to you because I need you too. Even though we signed a contract I have to uphold my part as well. I'm sorry Bey and I promise I'll do better." Beyoncé looked away from him because she wanted to cry. She didn't know if his apology was sincere but she believed it was.

He placed both his hand on her hips and turned her face toward him so they could look in each other's eyes. He saw the tears that pooled in her eyes and he sighed. He didn't want her to cry. Leaning forward he captured her lips. Beyoncé closed her eyes as his lips met hers.

When they parted Beyoncé let out sigh which allowed her tears to fall. Shawn gently wiped them away before looking her in her eyes again.

"I'm sorry Beyoncé," he said once more before capturing her lips again. Beyoncé felt her body become more heated but this was a different heat. This heat was from the inside and she didn't know what she was going to do about it.

Moaning into the kiss she brought her hands to each side of his face pulling him closer. Shawn slid his tongue over her lips asking for entrance and Beyoncé obliged. The kiss got stronger and they started to get carried away.

Shawn hands founds it's way into her robe. He touched her round stomach and She moaned. Roaming her body he fumbled around until he came in contact with the V between her legs. Feeling him touch her intimately she pulled away from him.

Shawn sighed realizing what he was doing.

"I'm sorry I was out of line," Shawn mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck. She giggled because she notice that he only did that when he was nervous.

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