20- Real Love

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"How's My Nephew?" Tyran asked Beyoncé. She decided to invite him to come eat lunch. Shawn was supposedly working and Clarissa spent the night with Ty so it was an easy decision.

Beyoncé didn't believe Shawn was working. She honestly believed he needed to clear his head. Which was okay because she need time away from him.

Shawn could be confusing and it was starting to Break her. She absolutely hated dealing with people who couldn't make up their minds. For her to be his wife she felt like he was a choosy guy. One day he wanted to be her husband then the next he didn't. On day he showed he loved her but the next he couldn't verbally say it.

It was aggravating

"He's fine," she replied to Tyran who looked at her tentatively. She briefly glanced at him and rolled her eyes.

"You sure?" He asked

"I'm positive," She huffed looking at him sternly. A smile touched the corners of his mouth as he looked at her.

"So how have you been?" He asked and Beyoncé smiled a little.

"I've been better," she admitted.

"Shawn call me earlier," Tyran announce and she blew her breath before rolling eyes.

"It's amazing how-"

"Hold on," Tyran interrupted her taking a glance a Clare. She hadn't spoken a word today so Tyran knew it wasn't a good day for her. She was slightly snoring with a fork in her hand.

Beyoncé sighed to calm herself as Tyran got up to push Claire out the room. It took about ten minutes so Bey knew Tyran had actually took her to her room.

"I'm sorry, she had a long night. I'm sure she'll be better after her nap." He assure Bey and she nodded.

"I hope so," she replied. Beyoncé was upset with Shawn but she couldn never be upset with Clare. She was just a child that involuntarily got dragged in between them.

"It's just crazy. He opens up to you about me but he never tell me how he honestly feels. I'm growing tired of putting my heart on the line Ty. I just can't anymore. I'm getting to invested in this marriage and I don't like it one bit. It's a one sided Marriage. Where the feelings I have for him aren't reciprocated back to me."

"Bey he's been through some deep shit. The woman he loved broke his heart. He's confused because he doesn't want to love you and you turn out wrong." Tyran said and Beyoncé scrunched up her face.


"Yes Shawn wants you to be who you say you are. He's scared that if he tells you he loves you. He's opened up everything and you can hurt him."

"But I would never do that!"

"He doesn't know that. He opened his mind and his daughter to you. Please just wait on him."

"For how long?"

"Honestly? I don't know." He told her and Beyoncé sighed. She wanted to give up and she was starting to but she would give him one more chance.

When she was done talking to Tyran she showed him out. She sighed and looked at the time. It was going on 4 P.M. and Shawn hadn't called. Beyoncé was aggravated but she was also cranky. She didn't want to deal with Shawn's unsure mentality today.

Yawning she covered her mouth locked the door before going up the steps. She peeked into Claire's room and saw she was peacefully sleeping. She walked in and went towards her bed and admired her a little more. She bent down and rubbed her hand through her hair.

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