23- Real Love

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Beyoncé sighed as she looked at her ringing phone. She didn't know whether she should answer it or not. She didn't want a repeat of the last conversation. So she opted out to not answer.

Although there was a chance Tyran was actually calling her this time but she didn't care. She honestly had the right mine to block him as well. She understood Shawn was his brother but damn respect her wishes.

"Are you going to answer or just stare?" Nicki asked growing tired of hear the phone buzz.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes and decided to answer.

"This better be important since you called 4 times in a row." She huffed.

"And I would've called five had you not answered this one." Tyran voice came one the phone.

"What you want Ty?"

"Is that an attitude I detect?"

"Ty..." Beyoncé groaned.


"I'm made at you," Beyoncé admitted.

"What I do?"

"Ty you know what you did."

"Man Bey he was getting mad so I let him call."

"Well letting him call is about to get you blocked."


"Nah don't sis me." She giggled.

"I'm sorry BB," he said and Beyoncé laughed. She would accept his apology only because she knew he meant no harm.

"It's okay Ty, but next time I'm blocking you."

"Won't be a next Time."

"Good, so what you call for?"

"Just checking on you, wondering why you didn't tell me you were going on vacation."

"See it was something that wasn't planned it was on the spot. He pissed me off and I needed to leave before I did something I would regret."

"Yeah he told me what happened."

"I'm sure he did, but I kinda don't want to talk about him."

"Understandable." Tyran replied.

"So how's Jasmine?" Bey asked. Ty always talk about he girl to Bey. She gave him great advice and it helped Jasmine love him even more.

"She's good, I was kinda hoping she could meet my family but looks like that's not happening any time soon."

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because they aren't all here." He told her and she frowned.

"Ty what you talking about. Shawn and Claire are at the house."

"I'm talking about you though. You apart of my family too." Tyran said. Beyonce sighed not really knowing what to say. Of course she thought of Ty as her brother but she wasn't going to get pulled into being hurt again.

"Ty I'm sorry but you might as well not even considered me family. This marriage will probably be over real soon and I don't want you to get too attached like I have."


"Have a great night Ty, Bye." She said cutting him off. She didn't want to be on the phone anymore. She needed to get her head straight and she had a week left to do so.

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