03- Real Love

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I watched Shawn pace back and fourth like he was having an inward battle with himself. As I got closer I realize he was also talking to himself.

"Hello," I said but it didn't quite reach his ears because he was still talking to himself.

"But she needs me." He mumbled.

"What the hell?" I mumbled. Obviously he couldn't see me standing her because he was still going.

"She's beautiful she could get anybody she wants." He talked again and it melted my heart a little. Before I knew it I was speaking louder than before.

"Awe you think I'm Beautiful?" He turned his head so quickly. His expression mirrored embarrassment and I wanted to laugh.

"Damn, you're always coming at the wrong time." He said and I frowned a little.

"And you're always showing out when I come. So I guess we're even huh?" Shawn rolled his eyes and open the Cafeteria door. I walked through the door and we found some seats. Shawn pulled out my chair before he sat down and I blushed a little before mumbling a 'thank you.'


"I'm actually hungry so I'm going to get something to eat first. Would like something?" Shawn didn't have any money so he just said no. He was starving but as long as his daughter is fed he had no problems he would find food someway.

"No I'm good," he said.

"Okay, I'll get you the chicken sandwich combo," she said flashing him a smile. He immediately frowned he didn't want to owe her nothing.

"I said I'm good."

"I heard what you said, there's nothing wrong with my ears."

"Obviously there is I don't want you buying me anything." Beyoncé sighed walked of she wasn't going to argue over food. She was hungry and she knew his lying ass was too.

He was just to prideful, she could only image how he would act in a marriage. She waved him off and walked away going to get the tray of food.

She got herself a meal and then added the chicken combo just incase he wanted it but if he didn't that just meant more for her.

She paid for the food and made her way to the table. Once there, she emptied her tray and sat down. She prayed over her food and started eating.

Shawn stomach grumbled as he watched her eat. He probably should have taken her offer but his pride got the best of him.

"Mhmm," Beyoncé moaned more so because she was hungry because the food was nasty as hell.

"Ss- so?" Shawn said so the could start the conversation. He really didn't want to sit here while she ate.

"Dr. Mills should have told you that I need a husband right?" Beyoncé said wiping her mouth.

"Yes but thats all." He said.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Why do you actually need a husband?" Shawn asked and Beyoncé sighed.

"I got a promotion to be the principle of Midwood High and they don't want an unwed pregnant principle and I told them I would be married before school started."

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