Chapter 14- Confronting The Past

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[A/N: For more of an affect please listen to the song towards the end of Ashley's POV hope you guys enjoy :)]

Ashley's POV

As I head out I wrote a letter to Finn saying I already called a Substitute for my class for the day and that I was going out for my closure and to please don't tell anybody especially my brother and the others. I walk out as quietly as I can then drive off. As closer I got the more my stomach turned into knots. I pulled up to the house (yes house the no good system decided to let them go big suprise right?) and turned the car off and put my phone on silent and put it in the back seat as I got out the car and stared at the place for what seemed like five minutes but might have been just two or one. I drag myself to the door and ring the doorbell. Unsure if I should just leave or just not give up but it was too late now, no turning back now. I stared and give up since nobody was coming to the door, so I started to walk back to my car until I heard,"" in a soft voice and I turned around and saw my mom but she defintely aged. "'s me" I say in a low voice with a blank face expression. "please....come in" she says. I look at her,"why should I? why should I trust you?" I say.

"honey...I'm too old...and we have much to discuss" I look at her for a minute then walk past her inside and sat down across from the stepfather "see you're still alive too" I say rather flat. Mom walks in after shutting the door and sits next to him as he says" guess I deserved that" JUST that oh no buddy you deserve much more but it became too late for me to do anything. "Ashley....I want to say...we want to say" she says softly then looks at him and they hold eachothers hands then look at me saying at the same time," we're so sorry and hope you forgive us." I look at them shocked not knowing what to say. "we know we don't deserve your forgiveness but we hope you would consider it" My mom says. I sat there staying silent wondering if I should even speak at all," Honey....please speak"Mom says. "forgive hurt not only me but my best friend AND MY KIDS" shouting louder than I intended to do. "look I didn't come to argue or shout" I say standing and continued," I just wanted to say I do forgive you but will never forget what damage you have done and caused me and my family" I say and they look down. "I came for closure so that I can move on with my life and leave my past where it the past" I walk to the door and opened it. "" I say as I shut the door and walked to my car. I turned it on and grabbed my phone and saw I had four missed calls from Finn so I picked up the phone and called him but it goes to voicemail," Hey sweetie sorry I missed you're call I'm on my way home now do you need anything on the way? call me back I love you so much I miss you and really can't wait to get a warm hug from you" I hang up and start to head back home.

Finn's POV

I woke up and fixed breakfast for the kids and when they was done they asked where Ashley was and I told them she must have left early for work and needed to make and extra stop. The kids nod and I give them all hugs and tell them to behave and see them at school. Once they was all out the door I cleaned up and got dressed and I see a note fall to the ground, I pick it up and read it [Dear Finn, I'm sorry this is such short notice but I need my closure and decided to do it today. Don't worry i already called in a substitute for my class for the day and I'll be back to work tomorrow. Please don't tell anybody especially my brother and the others I'll be home soon. I love you honey - Ashley] She can't be serious this cannot be real. I pick up the phone ready to call Liam but remembered she didn't want me to call them so Instead I called the school and told them I needed the day off and if they could provide a last minute substitute and they said that they could.

I rush to the car and call Ashley but she's not picking up. I keep calling and calling her hoping she will pick up and hoping that she's ok. I started to speed trying to get there as quickly as I could to stop her. A light suddenly blinded me and as it went away I see a car coming towards me and I turned swerved my car the opposite way and my car hits something really hard. I start to hear my phone ring and it was Ashley's ringtone. I reach for the phone but then everything started going dark until I could no longer see anything. The sirens I could hear with her ringtone began to fade until I heard nothing anymore.

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