Chapter 24- Forevermore

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AIden's POV

We sat there in silence in the living room while Anna went back to sleep. I kept replaying in my head of her dealing with that for a whole year. I'm sure the others are thinking the same because they seem lost in thought as well. Finally Louis speaks up and breaks the silence," I'm not gonna let her go back...I don't care if she has to turn down the crown" I look at him and say," yea I second that, plus what kind of people and friends she has to sit back and watch her go through all of this and not do anything about it." come to think of it NONE of her friends stepped up to even help her at the wedding, that really boiled my blood right there. There was a knock at the door and Lucas opens it to her friends standing there and I got up and punched Nathan and told them to leave now or they will really feel a new definition of the word pain. "look we know you're mad Aiden.." Jess says and I quickly stop her right in her tracks and say calmly," mad? no I'm not mad...I'm FURIOUS that her so called friends watched her be in pain and did NOTHING to stop it....a year...A WHOLE FREAKING YEAR she dealt with that lifestyle with that no good man. You guys don't even deserve to be called her friends..." Chris puts his hands on my shoulder letting me know I need to calm down. I stopped talking and breath and Melanie says," we tried...many times we have tried to help her" I looked at Melanie. Teresa adds,"But she wanted to be strong for her people so she wanted us to stay quiet"

Lucas looks at them and says," so you chose to listen to her rather than actually looking out for her best interest and getting her out of the situation? wow good job" I looked at them and they had nothing to say," we...we wanted her to marry Louis" Jess says. I looked at them suprised," hell we was actually glad someone stopped the wedding we didn't want her to go through with it" Nathan says. We decided to let them in and get the scoop on everything that has been happening and remember what i said about Triton being up to his old tricks? yea I still stand by that. "So where is she anyways?" Jess says and we walk them to the room Anna was in but when we opened the door Anna wasn't in her room ,"where is she?" Nathan says but the thing was we was wondering the same thing. We was looking around and we found her sitting out on the balcony with Karina and Jazzy. I smiled at the sight of seeing them talking, the others was behind me and when her friends saw her they wondered who the other two girls were. I told them it was our new sisters. Then I see Jazzy and Karina put their hands on her wounds and they started singing, it was too faint for me to here what they was singing. Then the girls start to glow as well as Anna's wounds then once they stop her wounds was like they never was there. They hugged eachother as Anna thanks them.

Nathan opens the door saying hey to Anna and she turns around smiling seeing the others and saying hi. "Anna...I'm so very sorry...we should've.." Jess says but Anna stops her and shakes her head," no it's ok Jess I told you guys to not interfere...Jazzy...Karina these are my friends I grew up with " The greetings was interrupted with a knock on the door," I swear if that's Triton I'm letting him have it" I say out loud. Jess looks at me," still don't like him I see.." she says. I look at her saying,"no I don't because he never looked out for Anna, he just sat and watched everything so NO I don't like him" For the first time they all agreed with me. I opened the door to see Reannon (Anna's maid who raised her) I look at her confused and she let herself in and goes to Anna. "she's not going back" I say behind her before she could speak. She doesn't turn around she looks at Anna," She doesn't have to..." she says and we all look at her shocked as she continues," Anna I talked to Triton and....we want you to marry who you please." My jaw drops to the floor because im so speechless right now. Anna looks at her shocked probably wondering if she's dreaming. Louis walks to Anna and says," if that's true, then *kneels down to Anna* I would like to marry her....that is if she would accept he as her husband" She holds him crying saying yes . "Then I will head back to make preperations for the ceremony to crown the new king" Reannon says. " are free to see your family anytime...just don't forget about your people ok?" Anna thanks Reannon and holds her tight and Reannon smiles and hugs her and walks out the door.Her friends immediatly takes her talking about how they know they perfect dress and everything but before she was fully dragged away she handed a note to Louis who smiled when he read it and agreed.

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