Chapter 38- Making Things Right Again

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Karina's POV

We all went our separate ways and I went to Yazzy's room to find her sitting on the floor holding her knees and face buried in her arms. I sit on her bed and sighed," are you alright Yazzy?" I say softly and she mumbles softly no and I look at her,"Yazzy...none of us had it easy but now that you know her side what will you do?" I say and she lifts her head up a little and I see her eyes puffy and red from crying but she doesn't answer. I get up sit next to her," how about you work on your song with chris and we can think of something later ok?" I get up to leave and she holds me and I look at her and she pulls me closer and whispers in my ear her plan. I look at her" are you sure? we haven't done that in a minute Yazzy...I mean what if we fall?" I say to her and she looks down sad, I sighed in defeat," alright well lets give it our best then and if we are going to do something like that then lets go all the way and get our new siblings involved...if they can skate" I say and get up and walk to Anna's room to see of course everyone in there. They look at me and I say," I think Yazzy has a good plan to make it up to mom..but she's going to need our help" They look at me confused and I told them to meet us at the Ice rink down the street in an hour and walk out the room to message Hel and asked if she was free and could meet us at the Ice Rink down the street in an hour and she told me she would gladly be there. We told eachother we loved one another and quickly hung up to get ready. Me and Yazzy decided to leave early and set things up for a private session so that we wouldn't be disturbed. Everyone gets there to see us in skates and looks at us," so what's the big plan?" Aiden says.

"Do you guys remember when mom said she went on tour right?" I said and they nodded and I pull out of my pocket one of moms albums," This was her final album she did before settling down and there's a song on there that always gave her hope and Yazzy thought it would be amazing to do a routine to it as a family, of course if you guys can skate" I say and they all show their skates in their hands," psh of course we can who do you take us for" Lucas says while the others laughed. I rolled my eyes and smile while Anna looks and says," was you planning on playing the track while we perform it to her?" I look at her," well yea that was the plan" I say and she smiles," I got a better idea" she says and looks at Hel," How about it songbird? Think you can pull it off?" I look at Anna and Hel shocked,"wait what? whats going on?" I say and this causes them to giggle and Anna looks at me," Playing a track is nice but more feelings get across when performing live so I was thinking Hel here could sing it for us while we perform for our mom" I looked at her when she said that, did she say "our" did she consider us her sisters? from behind I hear Yazzy say softly," Our mom?" and Anna smiles while Lucas says," well duh we are family practically aren't we?" He ruffles her hair as she tries to stop him. "I have an Idea for the dance but we will need to pair up. Lucas you will pair up with Karina, Aiden you are with me, and Chris will be with Yazzy deal?" Anna says and we all agreed then she told us her idea to the dance and we all loved it and it was going to be challenging but worth it if we could pull this off really well.

Aiden's POV

We practiced and practiced till we was so exhausted we could barely stand and muscles so sore, once we reached home we all went to bed immediately and it didn't take me long to fall asleep because I was too worn out from skating. The next morning I was awoken by Anna who told me to follow her quietly and quickly. I got up and followed to see Lucas and Karina staring at something and when I got closer I saw Chris lifting up Yazzy and twirling her around with her eyes closed and smiling while she balances herself well. "we use to take lessons after we was found by dad and the lessons was our escape from reality when it became hard to bare. Yazzy on the other hand it was like she was given wings when she skated though" Karina says softly and we look at her then back at Yazzy. "well we seem to have perfected the dance so who's letting mom know?" Karina says and I smile," nobody has to I already written a letter to meet us there " and I hear Karina snort," you and your letters" She says and I chuckle. I tell them I was going to change and we will be heading out soon. I walked to my room and changed and walked out to the living room everyone was ready to go. We left quietly so mom and dad wouldn't hear us and once we got there we changed into our outfits and waited for moms arrival which didn't take long with Uncle Liam and the whole (literally everyone that was there the previous day) family. They sat on the bleachers and waited for us to begin and I see Yazzy shaking and Chris puts his hands on her shoulders and she looks at him," we won't let you fall" he says to her and she smiles.

The lights cut off and Anna, Yazzy, and Karina skate to the center to get in position and once the lights cut back on Hel begins to sing while they begin to skate so gracefully across the ice keeping perfect timing and like Karina said Yazzy looks like she does have wings, you could tell it was something she truly loved to do. Me, Lucas and Chris nod looking at eachother and skate out there to our partners lifting them up. Lucas lifted Karina up so high as she kept her composure while Chris cradled Yazzy then lifted her like I did with Anna did daring more advance moves that showed their skills. We let them skate then go back to them keeping perfect timing and then we freed them as the girls skate together as one and held eachother then we did something they didn't expect. We all held eachothers hands for a moment then each kept switching up with the girls doing different moves then go to a different partner doing another and as the song was ending we all formed a circle and held hands looking out to mom who was in tears as everyone claps and she smiles and stands up clapping. We look at eachother smiling and skate off the ice and mom runs to us with dad not too far behind hugging us all so tight kissing our cheeks while we groan," awww moooom" we laugh while she giggles," that was beautiful and I didn't know you guys could skate" she says. "we wanted to surprise you because we really love you mom" I say and she hugs us all one more time saying softly," you guys definitely surprised me and I love you all so very much"

She took us all out for lunch afterwards and it was like her breakdown never happened we was all smiling again like we use to. The only thing that was new was how I noticed Yazzy opened up to Chris who was now stealing food from her plate while she glared at him and would steal food from his. Karina was feeding Hel who was sheepishly in her seat accepting her food by Karina which I thought was too adorable. Anna stares at me smiling like she's reading my mind and says softly," a wonderful sight right?" and I smile at her and nod. "so...I was thinking of building a pool for you guys what do you guys think?" dad says. That's actually a great idea,"that's amazing and Anna would be able to visit her home when she wants to" Karina says and everyone smiles at Anna. "in that case I'll get started right away" dad says and we cheered probably louder than we should forgetting we was in a restaurant and had everyone staring at us. We laughed and left as we drove home and like dad said the minute he got there he worked on the pool which took him the whole night but with me all of our help it was done in no time. it was a huge deep pool and once it was filled with water Anna put the potion Triton gave her and jumped in the pool and I jumped in after and like he said she was instantly back home. The potion took her to her living room. This is way too amazing and she must have thought the same as she looked and smiled at me then changed to her mermaid form and swimmed around as I followed. Triton actually did something useful for once that came in handy after all.

 Triton actually did something useful for once that came in handy after all

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