Chapter 17- How I Met Our Mother

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Aiden's POV

When I woke up I got up and took a shower and got dressed then went to make breakfast for everyone. I knew everyone would be getting up soon and as if they read my mind they come downstairs already dressed," Yum what smells so delicious" Jazzy says with mom and Karina behind her agreeing. I glanced at Karina remembering the marks on her wrist and wondering how should I talk to her or approach the matter. After breakfast Mom said she was going grocery shopping and Jazzy asked if she could come with her and she said yea. She asked if me and Karina wanted to but Karina said that she's gonna stay home and read, after she said that I knew it would be perfect time to talk to her so I told mom I was staying home too. She nods and kisses both of our foreheads and leaves saying she'll be right back. The minute the coast was clear and I saw Karina walking away and I quickly grab her," ..uh what are you doing?" She says looking at me and I look at her in her eyes. " Karina what's going on?" I say and she looks at me confused," What do you mean?" She says trying to play stupid and I pull up her sleeves and look at her," I'm gonna ask one more time...what's going on?" I say to her. She looks at me and yanks her arm back," It's none of your business" she says raising her voice and starts walking off but I grab her arms again," I'm only trying to help Karina and don't raise your voice at me..." she quickly interrupts me," I can do WHATEVER I want to do because this is MY body and not YOURS, MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSI.." before she could finish I slapped her across the face. "if you think doing that is going solve all your problems then you are wrong and another thing it's very selfish of you to not think of those who actually love and give a damn about you" I say and she holds her cheek opening her mouth to speak but I continue," and I swear if you say nobody does care I will not hesistate to slap you again" and she closes her mouth. "Karina I will help you through this ok and if you ever feel like it happening again come to me but I promise you if I find marks on you then I will make you regret it got it?" and she nods," I want to hear you" I say looking at her and she looks at me," ok I will" she says softly.

I hold her tight," I'm sorry for slapping you but you needed to understand you're not alone" I say. " why..." she said sofly through her sniffles while I'm holding her and I understand she had alot to wonder but only two answers was all I needed to say," because your my precious sister.....and I've been through it too" I say the last part softly and she looks at me. "but how did you.." she says and I smile," mom....we found eachother at our worst." She looks at me confused and shocked," if you want I can tell you the story of how we met...but we must keep it between us ok?" I say and she nods and sits down. Then I told her the story of how I met our mother," began a few years ago and well.. like I said I wasn't at my best and I actually met mama and she could always tell when I lied to her. We met at a convention center and I was watching my best friend play and little did I know she was watching both of us. Finally when we was done playing a game and we kinda sat away from everyone and silently talking and joking with eachother when we heard a giggle from behind us and when we turned around there she was. Mom she smiles at us and asked if she could join us and of course we said she could and we enjoyed her company. We exchanged numbers and went home and stayed up all night for the next few days on three-way." I smile at the thought of us staying up till dawn cracking up laughing.

" and my friend started to notice that she was slowly distancing herself from us and we couldn't figure why" I say looking at the ground as Karina sat back and kept listening. "I reached out to her and she explained how she felt so lost and so confused and that she couldn't take it anymore....she told me how she tried to take her life and I asked her to please throw up as much pills as possible and she said she did her best, I then told her to drink plenty of water and to keep talking to me. From that day me and mom never hid our emotions or what was going on from eachother to where the bond and connection we had we could automatically tell and feel something was wrong. When she would cut I would get a burn or when I did she would feel a light sting or burning in a spot. When either of us tried to overdose we'd taste the it from the others mouth. Of course we'd get lectured when we was caught but we helped eachother through it. Slowly at a time we both stopped cutting or trying to kill ourselves and would reachout when we really needed someone. Mom held on tight when i wanted to let go and now we can't see a life without eachother. So she took me in as her own and we try to better eachother." I look up at Karina," It's not going to be easy no...but you won't be alone I promise you that Karina...I'll always be here and help you through it" I say and she covers her face and starts sniffling and I hold her. When she calms down I wipe her tears and we sat down and watched Sailor Moon, it was mom and mines favorite show. The door opens and mom and Jazzy comes back and mom looks at us and says," you guys...Jazzy has an announcment" and we lean up and look at Jazzy. "I...decided to have my operation in a week" I stare at her worried and Karina looks at her," Jasmine..." was all she could get out.

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