Chapter 35- Yazzy Closes Up

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[A/N: WARNING!!! There is a graphic scene towards the end if it becomes to much please skip to the next chapter :) ]

Aiden's POV

After the beach party I realize that it was starting to get late again and we had to get Karina back home before mom and dad got home," hey you guys we gotta go...Karina is still grounded remember?" there was alot of groaning but they understood. I grabbed my helmet and waited for Karina who was exchanging numbers and taking a picture with Hel. Yazzy got in the car with the others and Karina finally joined me after kissing Hel goodbye and put her helmet on. I looked at Anna who was driving the car and smirked,"race ya" I said and peeled off as Karina held on tight. I could see Anna not too far behind and drifting through the cars and speeding through lights as well and I could hear Lucas yelling at her while Chris and Anna was laughing. I do a wheelie and speed up getting to the house first and get off the motorcycle with Karina giggling and i help her off while Anna pulls glaring and I look at my pretend watch on my wrist as she gets out the car," what took you guys so long?" I say and she nudges me telling me to shut up. We all get in the house and I head to the kitchen for water as Karina follows and I look at her,"um....thank you for what you did" she says softly. I shrugged and hug her,"you're my sister and I do care about you Karina and stop seeing that douchebag, Hel is so much better" I say and when she hears Hel's name she blushes and smiles and i smile looking at her," I found out she lives down the street from here actually so I'm happy I can see her anytime...of course when I'm not grounded" she says and I look at her," wait she lives in the area?" I pull out my phone and call her and she picks up saying hello, " why the hell didn't you tell us you lived down the street? we could've met here instead of the beach" I see Karina giggling and Hel giggles saying," well I wanted to meet there because that was where precious memories was made." I sighed and looked and said alright and told her to swing by tomorrow, she happily agrees and we said goodbye. I look around and noticed that Yazzy wasn't around everyone and Karina was talking to Anna and the others about Hel and when they first met.

I walk around to see if I could find Yazzy which didn't take long because I saw her throw the window dancing outside in her dress barefoot to music on her phone. It was graceful but at the same time it was anger and pain in it. She kept doing twirls and spins as she got closer to the pool and as I was about to call out to her, her foot steps on the water but she starts to dance on top of it with no emotions but the moves go so well with the lyrics and I was truly amazed by it all. She finally dances her way back to the grass jumping high in the air and twirling a few more times spreads her arms out and falls back to the ground and lays on her side. I could hear her crying but I also knew she wanted to be alone. After a while I see her wipe her tears grabbing her phone heading back in the house. I go downstairs where everyone is as they see her and she smiles to them saying she's going to rest for a little bit in her room. As she walks to her room I pull her aside and she looks at me," hey...Yazzy are you alright?" I asked and she looks at me and smiles and nods. I could tell she was lying not only to me but maybe herself as well. "Yazzy I'm here...." before I could finish she says softly," I'm sorry...but I'm really sleepy" I look at her and nod and kiss her forehead letting her go to her room and shut the door.

I walk to the living room and sighed louder than really wanting to,"hey what's on your mind?" Lucas says and everyone is looking at me. "it's nothing...." I start off then I look at Karina," have you noticed Yazzy has been a bit off lately?" I say and Karina looks down," she's been a bit more distance then usual."  "Maybe she just needs to fall in love" Lucas says and Anna adds,"has she ever falling in love though? I mean have you guys seen her with someone she took interest in?" Me and Karina look at each other and I ruffled my hair. come to think of it I haven't seen her with anybody besides her sister and me. "Yazzy has only been around us...and Destiny and Andrew and Caleb" Karina says," but I wonder would she talk?" Probably not I say more to myself, at least not right now. Mom finally comes home with dad and they asked us how our day was and we said good and relaxing. I thought of a way that may help her open up to the family especially on the members she doesn't know however I kept the idea to myself though. After dinner when Yazzy came back out of her room to eat, she rarely spoke and when she did she kept her words short but she smiled like nothing was wrong. After dinner mom said she would clean up and when I was about to offer dad said he'd help her and I thought it would be perfect alone time for them so i left them to the dishes. As i walk to Anna's room everyone but Yazzy was in there and Karina's texting Hel they've been going back and forth. Everyone is talking among themselves then I see Yazzy walking past the room and I call her name and she comes back staring at me. "Yazzy I got a challenge for you are you up for it?" I say and everyone looks puzzled then looks at her,"...What is it?" She says softly. I shake my head," well first are you up for it yes or no?" I say to her and she looks at me for a minute then says yes which I had a feeling that she would. I stand up and walk to her looking in her eyes," I challenge you do 3 songs and we get to choose who you get to sing with and there is no backing out" I say and she looks down at the ground. "I think thats actually a fantastic idea Aiden" Anna says while everyone nods in agreement, I look back at Yazzy and she stares at me pleading for me to change my mind but I can't because this will help her open up. "Me and the others will discuss who will be your partners then you and them can decide on the songs ok?" I say and she nods and walks away to her room and closes her door. Hope I made the right choice.

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