Chapter 34- Destined To Meet

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Yasmin's POV

I wake up to watch the sunrise then I go to the restroom to prepare myself to start my day off and change into my clothes, when I look at the desk I noticed that there was a paper laying on it and I opened and read it and it said:

Dear Yazzy,

We manage to find your sister's good friend and turns out that she was actually a friend we use to go to school with small world right? Well anyways I set up a meeting time for her to go to the beach we use to meet at in the old area where the wedding was where they first met. I'll try to get Karina to join in on the road trip and we can watch them from a distance and spy on them? I don't know about you but I sense a good adventure coming soon.


I folded the paper and smiled and I couldn't wait for the road trip and with mom and Mr. Groban heading to work it's perfect timing. I walk out to see Aiden and the others and he says," are you ready to head out?" I nod and we knock on Karina's door but no answer and all of a sudden I had a bad feeling. Aiden opens the door to see the window opened and an empty room. "you guys meet me there I'll go find her and bring her myself" Aiden says and the others nod and I watch him grabbing his motorcycle keys as they grab the car keys and we all head out going separate ways. Karina I do hope he finds you and soon. I sighed softly and look at the ground," it's gonna be alright trust me he'll find her" Chris says. Anna giggles and says,"whether she wants to be found or not...he will find her...he has his ways" I look at that and I nod and sit back looking at my fingers. We pull up at the beach in no time and even Anna's friends was there and was already talking to the girl. Anna walks up and hugs her and then introduces me and the girl stares at me for a minute," you look like someone I use to know" I smile softly keeping quiet. Please hurry Karina I don't want you to miss this moment .

Aiden's POV

Of course she runs off when we flipping need her, I swear if I have to I will tie her up and drag her to the beach myself. I ended up speeding through a few stop lights which luckily I didn't get caught from. After driving for a while I see a girl at a high bridge and as I got closer I saw it was Karina,"WHAT THE..." I quickly drove up near her and ran to her pulling her by her hair down to me holding her tight,"WHY KARINA? WHY?" was all I could say holding her arms tight and she struggles trying to pull away in frustration but I held on tight to her. "Karina...why? why are you doing this?" I say more calm looking at her and I hold her tight as she hits me on my shoulders trying to let me let go of her," I HATE YOU...I HATE YOU" she shouts and keeps hitting me as I hold her but I noticed the hits was slowing down and I kept holding her," I HATE...him....why did he have to die?" she says softly tearing up officially stops hitting me and I hold onto her," shhh let it out Karina" I say to her. I realized we all never got a chance to grieve over our lost dad because of the dramatic change that happened. "...daddy" Karina says softly and I rub her back. After she finally lets it all out of her and has calmed down I let her go wiping her tears,"you alright?" I ask and she nods looking down. I get up and held out my hand to help her up and she accepts the hand and gets up.

I go to my motorcycle and put on my helmet and hand her one to put on and she quietly takes it and puts it on. I get on the bike and she climbs on after me holding on and I look at her," lets go for a drive alright?" I say to her and she nods holding on to my chest. I speed off driving and of course running a few lights and popping some wheelies along the way which she ended up enjoying and laughing. We finally pulled up to the beach and I get off the bike and and help her off. "why?..." she looks confused and I say to her," there's a friend of mines I'd like you to meet" I say and take her hand and walk her to where the others was and when they noticed she was there Yazzy yells," KARINA!!!" and she runs and hugs her sister tight and the others run to hug her and Anna bro fist me and hugs me saying," I knew you'd find her" and I shrug," yea and luckily I did....I'll explain later though"I say and she nods understanding. I see Adrienne all the way in the back hiding and I pull her close and hug her then I tell her I'd like her to meet my sisters. She follows me and I say behind Karina," Karina....Yazzy I'd like for you both to meet Me and Anna's best friend Adrienne" Karina turns around and sees her and her eyes go wide in surprised to see her and walks up to her slowly and puts her hand on Adrienne's cheek and she smiles holding her hand. "actually Aiden it's ok for them to know my real's Helena but I go by Hel" she says smiling at Karina. "Hel...I've been looking everywhere for..." Karina says but Hel stops her by kissing her as I watch and take pictures and I hear from behind me," called it....that will be $20 Lucas" Chris and Anna say to Lucas and I shake my head chuckling. I go back to glancing at Karina and Hel and I hear Karina say,"does that mean we can be official?" and Hel smiles,"we already was" and they go back to kissing. I quickly yell," alright enough gushy stuff now lets get down to the fun stuff who brought the music and drinks?" I hear Nathan from behind me," I DID....PARTY TIME!!!" haha just like the old days when I went to school with them, maybe we should have a full blown beach party while we are at it.

PARTY TIME!!!" haha just like the old days when I went to school with them, maybe we should have a full blown beach party while we are at it

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