Chapter 26 - The Song Karina Knew

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Yazzy's POV

Once we finally calmed Destiny and made sure she made it safely to Caleb and Andrews place we agreed to keep quiet about this for now and finally went home trying to sneak in knowing how late it truly was when we was almost passed the living room the light turns on and we turn and see mom AND their dad. My heart just sunk knowing we was all screwed and the others must have thought the same hearing them sigh. "Care to explain where you all have been?" Josh says to us and we all stay quiet looking down. "somebody needs to start talking and soon or there will be consequences" he says. We all stay quiet and just as he gets up Karina says," it was me...I dared them all to follow me to prove to me that they wasn't a bunch of cowards...they tried to talk me out of it but I wouldn't take no for an answer." This shocked all of us and we all looked at her who has her eyes staring at mom and Josh. "are you sure you didn't have any help in this?" Josh asked and I was about to say something but Karina speaks," It was only me and my fault alone ...otherwise they wouldn't have broken the rules."

"Karina..."I say softly and she tells them," I'll accept any punishment you give me just free them from it and allow them to go to bed." Josh was about to say something but mom stands up and puts her hands on his shoulders and shakes her head," it's late....let them all go to bed we'll decide tomorrow what to do" he agrees and they both tell us to go to bed which we all go to Karina's room and lock the door behind us. "Karina are you out of your mind?" Lucas says and Chris adds," why would you do that?" basically asking the question we ALL wanted to know. We stare at her and she says quietly," you guys are my family and I'll protect you all no matter the cost." We fell silent and hugged her and Anna spoke shortly after," Well...we can't let you go down alone...I'll confess I helped as well" and the others soon agreed to confess but Karina stopped them," No...nobody else confesses...I need you all to look after Destiny and keep watch over her and to make sure Andrew doesn't do anything reckless...if we all get caught nobody can watch over them. I will take the fall just please watch over them and each other" They agreed understanding her and I sighed looking down. "come on don't be down Yazzy" She holds me tight and I lean my head on her shoulders and she sings softly while everyone listens.

I will keep on searching, *Anna and Aiden's eyes widens*

For the door that will lead us to our dreams.

I've always been searching for,

The link that exists between you and I.


You have to believe in yourself, *points to me*

And believe in everyone else. *points to everyone*

So now let's go!

Tomorrow is waiting.

Stop hesitating.


Our lucky stars are shining bright.

Open your heart up to their light. *holds my heart*

If you are lost look up at the night sky. *points to the sky*

The stars will be your guide.

Whenever I was tired you were there to cheer me up.

You would encourage me with your smile.

I will make progress little by little.

We're on our way! *holds me tight*

I bet you didn't know

the key to excitement is right here.

We will keep on searching *holds me as I lean on her*

for the door that will lead us to our dreams.

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