Chapter 27- Unlocking Memories

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Yasmin's POV

When morning finally came and I woke up in my bed I got up and took me a shower then got dressed. I wonder if Karina will be ok? I was thinking as I was walking out of my room and bumped into someone. "I...I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" I say looking down not looking at the face and the voice responds," It's ok Yazzy." I instantly recongnized the voice it was Chris. He was about to say something but I instantly say we should head down for breakfast in a low voice and walk away. He follows behind and everyone is already at the table as we get there and I sit next to Karina who puts a few extra strawberries on my plate knowing that I like them. After eating Anna asked if we could all go out and She said that we could but Karina must stay behind because they still had to talk to her. I instantly get a little down but Lucas says," alright lets go ahead and go then shall we?" He grabs my hands and runs out the door with everyone following close behind. After being a good distance from the house he stops and looks at me,"don't worry....she's gonna be ok" and the others nodded in agreement.

We walk to Caleb and Andrew's place to see them alright outside listening to music while chatting. Once they noticed us they waved and Destiny looks at us and says."Where's Karina?" I stay silent and Anna was kind enough to explain how Karina took the fall for us so that we all wouldn't get in trouble. "That sounds like her" Caleb says and I smile. "so how long will she be grounded for?" Andrew says. Which we told him the truth we don't know yet. We all sit down and they talk to one another while I listened mostly nodding letting them know I was paying attention. "Yazzy how come you're not speaking?" Anna says and everyone looks at me and I look down at my hands shrugging, Lucas walks up behind me and picks me up and starts running I held on tight trying to hold back laughter but I couldn't help hold back and once he heard me laugh after a few he sets me down and hugs me "you look much better smiling Yazzy" I nod and he holds my hand walking back to the others. After a long day of hanging out with them we all headed back home and Anna was telling me the parties her and her friends would always throw especially during the summer vacation while they was in school. We got home to dinner already on the table with mom and Josh chatting and look around to see Karina not around. "Karina went to bed early Yazzy" Mom says and I look at her. "what did you do to her..." I say quietly. "Yasmin...I didn't..."She says but I couldn't listen and just went to my room. I look out the window while laying on my bed until there was a knock on the door and I turned around facin the wall pretending to be sleep. The door opened and I felt a sharp slap on my bottom and I turned around to see Aiden and Lucas and they sat on the bed. "Yazzy they didn't hurt Karina in fact today was her only day of punishment and her punishment was to stay inside and clean up the place but it was cut short because your mom noticed that she was a little sick and told her to go rest" Lucas says softly.

After hearing that I felt like total crap after what I did and just held my knees and buried my face in it. "What's going Yazzy? What's bothering you?" Aiden says. I couldn't put it into words, I didn't know how to anymore. I just sat there as tears fell down as i buried my face. "I have an idea" Lucas says, he then lifts my head up and I see him holding Aiden's hand then puts the other on my forehead to where they reach deep in my mind seeing everything and I mean everything me and my sister went through. When they finally come back and his eyes softens and they both holds me tight. "It's gonna be ok, we won't let nobody hurt you or Karina or anybody as long as we are around" Lucas says. "I....gotta apologize"I say softly between sniffles. They smile and help me up and walk with me to the living room where mom was, she looks up when she sees me and before she could speak I say," I'm sorry mom....I'm so sorry"her eyes softens and she pulls me into her lap and holds me. "shhh it's going to be ok, I know it's hard right now but we will get past it all I promise." I lay my head on her shoulders as Karina comes in and sees us all and smiles. "Hey mom can we all go out tonight? we won't stay out too late" Aiden says and we all look at her and sighs and rolls her eyes,"fine but be back before midnight ok?" she says. I hug her tight as others cheered. I get off her lap and we say goodbye and walk out the door. "so where should we go?" Karina asked and Anna says," I have an idea." and we all get the car and drive off following Anna and Aiden. We soon get to the place and it's a beach and it looks very peaceful and nobody was here but us including Zayn and Louis who never left our sides after Louis and Anna got married.

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